New Church Life July/August 2016 | Page 20

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 6 do in this world to sow seeds that can grow forever. Because of this, much of the fruits of our labors are not visible to us in this life, but will be in the future. We should not be surprised that we may see but a small amount of spiritual harvest in this world. It is inherent in the nature of this natural world to limit happiness; it is fairly superficial and external. We have to spend a tremendous amount of time providing for ourselves and our homes – taking care of our external needs. Our work takes countless hours. Maintaining our homes consumes more. And even with our children, think of the time that is given to the care of their physical needs when they are young. The focus tends to be on taking care of business – or the busyness of life. Thus we often overlook what good is being produced because we are not looking for it. Also, many worries or troubles beset us here and demand our attention. Cars break down. Our parents or friends need to be cared for. Physical or emotional challenges limit our usefulness in this world. These and numerous other natural concerns lead us to only look at what is wrong. For this reason we do not notice some of the good that is taking place in our spirit. This can lead to discouragement – thinking that we are not being spiritually fruitful. But to accept such discouragement is to belittle all that the Lord is accomplishing. For every day, each moment of the day, the Lord is planting seeds in our lives which will bear fruit. For the purpose of this world is not to complete all things but to begin all things. The Writings say: “When a person enters the next world, the seed is set free from natural things and starts to grow, just like the seed of a tree, which when it comes out of the ground, grows into a small tree, then into a large tree, and is after that multiplied into a garden of trees, for all knowledges, and wisdom, and the forms of delight that go with them, are in a similar way Every day, each moment of the day, the Lord is planting seeds in our lives which will bear fruit. For the purpose of this world is not to complete all things but to begin all things. Whatever is good, whatever we have embraced from the Lord, has eternal value. It cannot be lost or become unimportant. The seeds planted here will grow in the next life. 332