New Church Life July/August 2016 | Page 14

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 6 author. But as Gerald points out, not only Journey Program do this, but also various other New Church literature.  I have found this to be happening increasingly in New Church Life. For example, in the current May/June issue: p. 218, “Swedenborg says”; p. 264, “Swedenborg’s exegesis of the first chapters of Genesis” and “Swedenborg’s description of the people of the Most Ancient Church”; p. 266, “When Swedenborg introduces the concept of the Ancient Word”;  p. 267, “the theological Writings of Swedenborg” and “Swedenborg himself spoke of.”  Although I have singled out these expressions, there are other examples by other authors in other issues of New Church Life which give the same impression, namely that Swedenborg wrote the truths on which the New Church is based.  Although I applaud the authors for the academic content of these items, and it is with sadness that I am critical of a few expressions in otherwise excellent articles, I would ask future authors to be aware that wording such as cited above can mislead others and be detrimental to the New Church.  It is as well to keep in mind Swedenborg’s own words written in 1770 in a reply to Dr. Johann August Ernesti, Professor of Leipzig University, who was hostile to Swedenborg:  “Please read what is written about the mysteries that have been disclosed by the Lord through me His servant.”  (My emphasis) I have great concern that the people most affected by this growing trend of seemingly crediting Swedenborg with writing the theological works are those who are not yet secure in the beliefs of the New Church, namely young people, newcomers and enquirers.  This year I have been fortunate to speak to several interested persons but unfortunately all of them had heard previously of Swedenborgianism or heard that I was a Swedenborgian. It was already in their minds that my church had been started by Swedenborg and that I was one of his adherents, just as are followers of other cults. It would seem sensible to have a short name that would be acceptable, hopefully, to all branches of the New Church, that could be used in speech, on census forms, hospital admission forms, etc., so that we become an easily identifiable church. Let’s agree on something as simple as New Church or New Christian Church. But NOT Swedenborgian! We are not S wedenborgians, we are not followers of Swedenborg, we are not a cult. We follow the Lord alone in the Old Testament, New Testament and the Divine Truths of His Second Coming that He alone disclosed through His servant, Emanuel Swedenborg. Heulwen Ridgway (Miss) Canberra, Australia 326