New Church Life July/August 2015 | Page 88

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 5 about overcoming their barriers. For example, one participant said, “A lot of the timeline depends on the pastor, and we see that as a constraint.” Steve responded: “If you go off that premise, you’ll get nothing done. Think about engaging the people in your congregation. If there are ‘ideas’ people in your church, file their ideas. First, ask what’s critical to our mission? If it fits with your mission, then mobilize people to do it.” Another person said: “It’s a morale crusher when there are only 30 people in your congregation.” Steve answered: “It depends on how you frame it. Thirty people in a group is a party. Give people an experience. Maybe do a service in a park, for example.” Overall, despite the many questions and concerns, the feeling of so many people gathered for a common cause sparked a palpable sense of camaraderie and encouragement. As Theological School student Elmo Acton remarked: “It’s exciting to hear what the ministers here are doing. This is something I may be facing in a couple years. It’s nice to see that there’s excitement and hope in our communities – that they see hope and see a future.” Trish Lindsay from Sower’s Chapel in Sarver, Pennsylvania, said: “I’ve always wanted marching orders from our church to tell us how to implement our church’s teachings. This is in accord with everything I believe and love. It will be a challenge to implement this, but it is welcome. It is not just about ideas but about connecting people.” Conference attendees are now back with their communities, beginning to implement what they learned. Many churches are opening new avenues of communication between the leadership and lay people, seeking ways to share ideas, tasks, hopes and concerns. Some churches will focus on identifying, training and supporting new small group leaders. Others plan to streamline their efforts to connect better with their surrounding communities. Along with their various goals, each church has established a partnership with at least one other church. These partnered churches plan to stay in touch on a regular basis to provide each other with encouragement and accountability. As members of the broader congregation, let us all find our own ways to support our church family. When we work together, each doing the things we feel personally excited about, great things are bound to happen. Sasha Silverman is Content Editor for General Church Outreach, developing yearly Journey Programs with the Rev. John Odhner. She lives in Bryn Athyn. Contact: [email protected] 400