New Church Life July/August 2015 | Page 86

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 5 that actually grow and thrive are those based on the small group model. The older model, where the minister provides all the teaching and support for the entire congregation, is not sustainable. Small groups take the burden off ministers, and empower church members to truly ‘be the church.’” He explained: “This is not about making churches bigger. This is about meeting people’s needs. This is about us taking what God has given us, and ministering to people in the best way possible. We do our best, and then we let God take care of the rest.” To this end, many New Church congregations have come on board with the vision and have been working hard to develop stronger small group systems. Going through this process has brought exciting results in many cases, and has also raised some concerns and questions. The 2015 Small Group Systems Retreat was designed to offer congregations personalized and applicable training to help tackle barriers and encourage small steps forward. Steve Gladen, one of the nation’s leading experts on small groups, was the featured speaker for the conference, as he was for the 2014 Outreach Conference. With more than 20 years of experience focusing on developing small groups, and overseeing more than 5,000 small groups on multiple campuses (including Saddleback Church in southern California), he was well equipped to offer support. Over the course of the two days, Steve dedicated himself to helping the participants in any way they needed, offering tools, tips and suggestions, as well as one-on-one consultations. He led the groups through processes to share their successes and challenges, clarify their missions, and create action items – with timelines – to support those central missions. The Outreach staff, led by Bronwen Henry, Program Manager, and Michelle Chapin, Assistant Program Manager, ran the conference. In addition to hiring Steve, they made sure participants had what they needed to feel supported and nurtured, carving out time for worship, song, meals, social time and prayer. Content developers, the Rev. John Odhner and Sasha Silverman, offered a preview of the new Living Gratefully small group Journey Program. (For more information or to order this new program please visit www. This is not about making churches bigger. This is about meeting people’s needs. This is about us taking what God has given us, and ministering to people in the best way possible. 398