New Church Life July/August 2015 | Page 30

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 5 though they are not directed specifically at suicide. Rather than going into detail, I will very briefly mention a few specific examples: Every evil is permitted for the sake of salvation. (Divine Providence 275) Only that which is done from freedom according to the individual’s reason remains with the person. (Divine Providence 78) The Divine Providence is in the smallest details of a person’s thoughts and affections, even if the person is evil. (Divine Providence 287) There are evils we do that are not our fault, and ones that are our fault. (Arcana Coelestia 4171, 4172) The Lord’s providence governs the time of a person’s death. (Spiritual Diary 5002, 5003) Everyone is protected by angels during the process of death. (Heaven and Hell 449) Swedenborg wrote so much about life and death that we will find many other teachings that may be helpful and comforting when we face death in any form. Here are just a few: • The Lord is infinitely loving, merciful and forgiving. • All our thoughts and feelings flow in from the spiritual world, and only the ones we come to love and approve of become a permanent part of our character. • Death is not the end of life, but a continuation of life, and we live in the spiritual world a life similar to the life we live here, with the difference that in heaven things are much closer to perfection. • The Lord wants everyone to go to heaven, and He always protects our freedom to choose heaven. Only people who genuinely prefer hell will go there. • Bad things we do out of ignorance or when we are overpowered by strong emotions are relatively easy to overcome, as long as we recognize that they are wrong. • People who are mentally ill are not free and rational, so they are not spiritually responsible for their behavior. • Everyone who dies before becoming an adult is taken directly to heaven to be raised by angels. Each of these ideas could fill a chapter in a book, so there is much more that you can explore, question and grow from if you wish. Summary Suicide can leave us feeling that life is extremely confusing, complex and painful. It will often seem to make absolutely no sense at all. The teachings 342