New Church Life July/August 2015 | Page 114

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 5 Philippines. Chicago honored him six years ago with The Burnham Plan Centennial: Bold Plans and Big Dreams. It included a work commissioned in his honor, performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra; a documentary of his life – Make No Little Plans: Daniel Burnham and the American City; and recognition of his Swedenborgian commitment to “being of service.” Kathy Coffin-Piepgras, who graduated from the Academy Girls School in 1961, worked on that event. She quoted the woman who made the documentary as saying: “One of the tenets of Swedenborgianism is to be useful. Burnham’s parents were leaders in the church. He was steeped in this belief of being use gV