New Church Life July/August 2015 | Page 108

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 5 • • • • • • • • A College Alumni Open House The Charter Day Dance Friday in the Secondary Schools Dining Hall The annual Bob Eidse Run-Walk A Chili Cook-off and Carnival before the football game on Saturday Mix and Mingle at Cairnwood Estate after the banquet Deka Tea on Sunday in Glenn Hall Guided Tours throughout the weekend at Glencairn Museum, Cairnwood Estate and the Secondary Schools welcome back After a hiatus of a few years the Theta Alpha Journal has sprung back into renewed life, with Helen Kennedy as editor, assisted by Gillian S. Mayer. In the May 2015 issue Helen writes: “For many decades past, women have poured their vitality and energy into Theta Alpha Journal, sharing insights, crafting poems, and pondering difficulties. In recent years, online social media have opened new avenues for personal connection, including various forms of written discussion, but nothing quite like the experience of the worldwide network of Journal readers (men as well as women) receiving the latest issue in their mailboxes.” Indeed, since 1904 the Journal has been a vital publication in the Church. We enthusiastically welcome it back and wish the editors success. May it thrive again in attracting and sharing its special brand of perspective, support and scholarship. and another outlet Eden King Lumsden, wife of the Rev. Derrick Lumsden, pastor of The Sowers Chapel in Sarver, Pennsylvania, is working with a team of General Church women from around the world to create a new blog: She says, “The blog is essentially trying to create a space where there are positive interactions between General Church women and positive discussions about women’s issues, both great and small.” The site has been up and running since June and several articles have already been posted, including: What Could New Church Education Look Like?, by Taryn Frazier, and Call for a New Christian Women’s Ministry by Eden 420