New Church Life July/Aug 2014 | Page 6

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 4 Church” – the Hurstville Society just outside of Sydney, Australia. (Page 343) In a sermon, Mastering the Basics, Todd talks about how many professionals master their talents through thousands of repetitions – and how this is also the process for mastering our spiritual development. (Page 349) There is good news from Theta Alpha International, telling of its commitment to keep the organization going, with some critical new changes. All of this will be voted on at the important annual meeting at Charter Day in October. (Page 355) Church News includes: pastoral changes throughout the Church; a report from Chancellor Brian Keith about Dr. Kristin King agreeing to stay on as President of Bryn Athyn College; reports on the Bryn Athyn College and Academy Secondary Schools commencement exercises, with lists of graduates and awards; the 100th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone at the Bryn Athyn Cathedral; a visit to Bryn Athyn from two former U.S. Presidents – Thomas Jefferson and James Madison – with the Williamsburg Foundation, where they spoke in the Cathedral about the importance of freedom of religion in the birth of America, and Jefferson expressed his personal appreciation for Swedenborg; and the 60th anniversary of a race in England in which Roger Bannister first broke the barrier for the four-minute mile, with the Rev. George Dole one of the runners pushing him to his record. (Page 359) Next issue: We hope to present a complete report on the Ministers’ Meetings which took place in Bryn Athyn in late June. O U R N E W C H U RC H V O C A B U L A R Y Part of a continuing series developed by the Rev. W. Cairns Henderson, 1961-1966. A P P R O P R I AT E To appropriate is to make one’s own from freedom according to reason. The relation of the term to eating and drinking gives us the essential idea. By these processes man, from appetite, takes in, prepares, absorbs, assimilates and builds into the structure of his body the nutritious elements in what he swallows. Spiritually, he appropriates whatever he absorbs from love and builds into the structure of his mind and life. Thus whatever he wills, thinks, does and says from love he appropriates, both good and evil, and those things are said to be appropriated by him. However, that only which is appropriated in freedom remains. (See Brief Exposition 69; Divine Providence 138) 298