New Church Life July/Aug 2014 | Page 56

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 4 people hold us back, when in reality we should be using them as opportunities to sharpen our skills. These are challenges of the job. Instead of trying to be “better” than another, I needed to put more effort into helping others succeed. Instead of being hurt by others, I needed to see that we’re all going through this process, and if somebody did something to me I learned that the path of regeneration was simple: do what the Lord says and things will be fine. Sounds easy enough, right? The challenge is that promoting a church just isn’t the same as selling car parts. People are emotionally attached to their beliefs. In the normal retail world, if you had a car that you weren’t happy with I could present a sales pitch as to why you should buy a car from me. Once we find a car that suits your needs better than what you’ve got, we’ve got a deal. Not so in the church world. I’ve found many people who are unsatisfied with their church, and even when I present them with an alternative that solves their problems they can’t just hand me a credit card to make a transaction. One of the questions I was given to help with this article was: “What might people be surprised to know about you?” I think the most surprising thing people will learn about me is that I’m a minister! To be quite honest, I have a hard time believing it myself. It certainly wasn’t what *I* had planned for my life. Though I’m quite confident that my wife is much happier with the husband she has today than the one she had 10 years ago. Can’t say I blame her. Things are good these days. I live a blessed life. Every now and again I look around at my current life and wonder, “How did I get here?” I know the answer: the Lord put me here. He put me here despite me originally not wanting to do this, despite me not measuring up to my own standards, despite my attesting to my own incompetence. Instead of giving up on me and letting me do what I wanted, He, like my other father, told me that I needed more practice and sent me to regeneration boot camp. And with that, I go back to doing His work, or tinkering on my car, knowing that it is me He’s trying to save, and thanking Him for letting me do this wonderful job in what I believe is quite possibly the best posting in the General Church! Todd Beiswenger, and his wife, Jennifer (Jorgenson), have an 8-year-old son, Zach. Todd’s Dad, Bob, was in the Air Force, and he was born at Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas. Before graduating from Theological School it was determined that he would be sent to Australia after ordination. However, due to delays in getting the visa required to immigrate, he was posted at Ivyland New Church in Pennsylvania for eight months. Since March 2012 he, Jenn and Zach have happily called Hurstville home. Contact: todd@ 348