New Church Life July/Aug 2014 | Page 36

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 4 Four years later I get to say farewell. We are proud of you and happy to see you set forth, and also utterly sad to lose you. You leave a gigantic hole in our hearts. So along with everything that has been said about what you have gained and what you will accomplish and how you will grow, let me say something about loss and leaving, and about a different sort of transformation and recovery. Your days of being a college student are indeed over. You are leaving something behind in order to move forward. You will lose things and leave things throughout your life – it is the nature of being human and moving forward. But don’t lose the opportunity to be enriched and refocused through apparent loss and endings. When we lose something we have the blessing of knowing, sometimes for the first time, how meaningful it is and how much we have been shaped by it. Sometimes when something disappears physically from our life, it pervades our spirit and raises our standards and consciousness. We then have the opportunity and the privilege to carry on that good influence through how we live our lives. Not everything was great about your education here. But the good stuff is the best there is, and it will last a lifetime if you know how to keep planting it wherever you go. Take the values, and the lessons learned, and your well-trained minds, and your striving hearts, and plant those things in the communities where you live, and the workplaces where you step up to make a difference. Don’t waste energy trying to fit in, or trying to stand out. Just go calmly about the business of stepping up, doing the right thing, practicing your values, promoting the greater good. There will be plenty of opportunities. If you do this, your Bryn Athyn College years, far from being lost or over, will become increasingly valuable through time, because your education will take root in you, and flower in your thoughts and loves, and bear fruit in your actions. Your college experience isn’t for four years, it’s for a lifetime. And the good you do out there, throughout your life, expands the boundaries and identity of Bryn Athyn College. So be active citizens and alumni, and reach back to help future generations of students do the same. On behalf of the faculty, staff, and administration, fare