New Church Life July/Aug 2014 | Page 34

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 4 You have shown us that love transcends all boundaries, that charity transcends all boundaries, that truth and virtue are welcome everywhere. love for the Lord and a love for the neighbor. Throughout the years we have been here, we have been the recipients of angelic love, support and guidance from faculty, staff and the community at large. We have forged lifelong friendships, developed new interests and discovered the amazing potential we each possess. Four years ago, I left home in Korea and arrived to a new home. . . . I am sure the entire class shares my sentiment when I say that graduating from Bryn Athyn feels like leaving home. Beloved President King, beloved deans, beloved faculty, beloved staff, beloved family, beloved friends and beloved members of the community here and abroad, the Class of 2014 is truly grateful for your love, your compassion, your support and yo