New Church Life July/Aug 2014 | Page 22

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 4 of Charity, the seed of which the Lord is sowing in the hearts of all people. If we accept the full import of the Heavenly Doctrines, we must accept this hopeful vision also. Therefore, real faith in the global sense is realizing that the Lord is working tirelessly in the hearts of all people for the good of all people, now and for the generations to come. Faith and love are internal, deeper than the struggles to get our external house in order. Love and faith are deep within, the repositories of the Lord in us. He has promised us, in a covenant as sure as His covenant with Abraham, to protect us in faith and in love, to guide during the darkness of faith, and share with us the joys of love, imaged in the “covenant of the day and night” in Jeremiah. We can best honor the Lord’s covenant by carrying an attitude of faith and love into each new day, every day, and in all things we do. This is beautifully expressed in a Sanskrit poem from the 5th century: We can best honor the Lord’s covenant by carrying an attitude of faith and love into each new day each day, and in all things we do. Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course lie all the verities and realities of your existence: The bliss of growth, the glor y of action, and the splendor of achievement. For yesterday is but a dream, And tomorrow is only a vision. But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, And every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day! Such is the salutation of the dawn! – Kalidasa, Hindu poet, 5th C. CE. Therefore, the Psalm says it well: “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love.” This is a message of hope that things work out in the end, a message that good will come from the nights of loneliness and despair, and that the Lord will guide our efforts as long as we hope for the best in all things. The Rev. James H. (Jay) Barry is pastor of the Immanuel Church in Glenview, Illinois. Prior to that he was assistant to the pastor of the Bryn Athyn Church and Director of the Bryn Athyn Cathedral. He is a second-career minister who ran a successful business in New York City for many years. He and his wife, Barbara (Benigno), live in Glenview. Contact: [email protected] 314