New Church Life July/Aug 2013 | Page 6

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 3 insidious evil is our own example. However, he says, “To be effective parents, we have to face up to the evil ourselves, not just to set an example – although that is important – but rather to keep ourselves from falling prey to it.” (Page 381) The focus of this issue’s Introducing Our Ministers is the Rev. Ryan M. Sandstrom, pastor of the Ivyland New Church, just about 15 miles from Bryn Athyn. (Page 385) We also include a family talk he gave at a Scout Sunday service earlier this year, Filling After Jehovah, on the commitment that is required to truly follow the Lord. (Page 388) The Rt. Rev. Brian W. Keith reports on an episcopal visit to Ghana, and two countries directly to the east – Togo and Benin – in West Africa last fall. It is wonderful to see the progress in this part of the world, he says. They face significant challenges, but the underlying culture is belief in God and active participation in worship. (Page 391. See photos on page 409) The Rt. Rev. Peter M. Buss Jr. reports on regional clergy meetings in the Asia/Pacific Oceanic region, with South Korea hosting people from Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand and the United States. He also reports on a visit to the New Church in Japan. The shared sphere and friendships in both countries was most gratifying and inspiring. (Page 396. See photos on page 412) Wade W. Buick reports for a new General Church committee, Helping Children in Crisis, which is focused on children in an orphanage in Kenya founded and run by the Rev. Samson Mogusu Abuga. Read about the committee’s plans and goals, how you can help, and the hopes for expanding this compassionate effort. (Page 400) Do you ever feel unsure of yourself talking to visitors or young people about the Church? Bronwen M. Henry of the General Church Office of Outreach offers some thoughts on, Beyond Marriage, Money and Mortgages: Pursuing Meaningful Connections with Young and New People. And Rachel Buss has a suggested script on how to get productive conversations started. (Page 403) Church News includes: an appreciation luncheon for the Rt. Rev. Thomas L. and Nina Kline upon his retirement as Executive Bishop of the General Church (with photos); changes in personnel and goals at the Swedenborg Foundation; news from the New Church blogosphere, where the retired Dr. Jim de Maine offers his own perspective on end-of-life issues; and news about growth and goals at NewChurch LIVE. (Page 407) 334