New Church Life July/Aug 2013 | Page 18

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 3 and the source of all wisdom concerning life. The Life of Charity: We are taught that “we are not born for our own sake, but for the sake of others; that is, we are not born to live for ourselves alone, but to live for others.” (True Christian Religion 406) I believe that the Lord has created each of us to be a vessel of blessing to other human beings. Our greatest calling is to use the gifts and abilities the Lord has given us to help those around us. We do so first by shunning what is evil and hurtful, and then by receiving from the Lord the ongoing inspiration to be useful. Regeneration: We are taught that “regeneration…does not take place in a single instant. Rather, it is taking place from earliest childhood through to the final phase of life and on into eternity.” (Arcana Coelestia 5354) I believe that the Lord has created each of us with incredible abilities which allow us to become truly human. These include our freedom and rationality – our ability to love and to think, to act and to speak, as if of ourselves. With these gifts comes the responsibility to respond to the Lord’s leading, figure things out, pray, repent, trust, obey and acknowledge the Lord. When we cooperate with the Lord in these ways, He is able to bring blessing to our lives and to the lives of others through us, and in the process, form us into angels of heaven. The Church: We are taught that “the Church specifically exists where… Divine truths have been revealed.” (Heavenly Doctrine 246) I believe that the New Church consists of all throughout the world who have spiritual knowledge from the revelation of the Lord’s Second Coming, who strive to make those truths a guide for their lives. The Church is here to provide for the worship of the Lord, a greater understanding of the Word, and support for the life that leads to heaven. I pray that the General Church continues to serve as a useful vessel for the spread of the Lord’s New Church around the world. Purpose: I count it as a great honor and privilege to serve in the priesthood of the New Church. As I enter into the Episcopal level of that priesthood, I will do all I can to rise to the use of providing for order and effectiveness within the Church in general, and the priesthood in particular, together with the Executive Bishop. I will do my part to turn to the Lord in His Word for guidance in all we do, and to articulate the core teachings which bind us all together. I believe the Lord has put me on this earth to help people, and the Church, figure things out and find direction. I hope to be a part of providing for a platform of organizational health upon which the uses of the Church may flourish. I will strive to serve with commitment, integrity and humility, with an affirmative attitude and an eternal perspective. In all that lies ahead, I ask the Lord for His guidance, my wife and family for their support, and the people of the Church for their help. 346