New Church Life July/Aug 2013 | Page 38

n e w c h u r c h l i f e : j u ly / au g u s t 2 0 1 3 Almost any quality you have will be a strength in some settings and a weakness in others. Perhaps you have had experience with this phenomenon. Part of the reason this happens relates to a fundamental idea in New Church thought. Our mind exists in a spiritual envi ronment with both malevolent and wise influences. Part of the malevolent force’s effect is to have us react to things in our lives in non-constructive, even directly destructive, ways. So while perseverance and patience can be great strengths, when they get hooked to the task of making a square peg go through a round hole, we can keep pushing harder long after we could have realized we needed a different approach. More of the same patience and perseverance in this task is not going to lead to success. As you reflect on the next stage of your life, I suspect you are aware of how little you know about what effects your career and life choices will have. We have been hearing for decades now that the pace of change means that aspects of what you may be doing in a decade or two have not been invented yet. How are you to handle all this change? My suggestion is, “Pick a direction and head there until it stops making sense, and from that vantage point pick a new direction.” This is the way the Lord can lead each of you toward a better future than you could ever envision. Another way of seeing change is to realize that while external circumstance, technology, communication and travel may change, the fundamental issues we face as human beings are not much different from 100 years ago, 1,000 years ago, even tens of thousands of years ago. While some of your grandparents may be baffled by technology, they may also have wisdom about living that is well worth listening to. Here you are at your graduation. You can look backward on who you have been and how your education and other experiences have helped form you as a unique human being, and you can look forward. I wonder what you are going to bring to the next stage of your life. Here are some things I wish for you. I hope that the people who get to know you in the coming years see you Do you recognize how (Bryn Athyn College) has challenged you to develop a spiritual purpose, to think broadly and critically from a variety of perspectives, and to build intellectual and practical skills? Do you feel prepared to make a difference in the world? 366