New Church Life January/February 2017 | Page 35

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At this point , the emerging contention between the herdsmen of Abram and the herdsmen of Lot was about a battle for superiority , which had the potential to destroy many good things about their lives . Nevertheless , Abram was ready and willing to deal with the situation before it got out of control :
Remaining from temptation after it is over , there are further states of truth and good to which their thoughts – which would otherwise dart off into interests that are insane and draw the mind away into an aversion to what is true and good – can subsequently be turned to the Lord . ( Arcana Coelestia 2334:1 )
Acting in response to the strife of the herdsmen , Abram told Lot : “ Please separate from me . . . then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan , and Lot journeyed east and they separated from each other .” ( Genesis 13:9-11 ) And we learned that :
The Lord said to Abram after Lot had separated from him . Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are -- northward , southward , eastward and westward . For all the land you see I give to you and your descendants forever . ( Genesis 13 : 14-15 )
Abram dealt with Lot without any misstep because he learned many lessons during the first temptation in the Promised Land , and at this time in his life he would not allow the self-centered love and materialism of Lot to dwell with him again . As a result of the action he took to enable Lot to separate from him , he secured the Promised Land for his descendants forever .
Like Abram ’ s era , the world today has seen many conflicts . And when we reflect on the fact that Lot depicts self-love and love of the world , and how he accompanied Abram and Sarah like a shadow to Canaan and Egypt , we can conclude that some of the causes of conflicts among human societies can be attributed to selfishness and materialism – which are still dominant in the world today .
Careful study of Abram ’ s life reveals that every individual in this world is on his or her journey to heaven , which is our Promised Land . And as we endeavor to do good , self-love and love of the world intend to barricade us ; and if we can seek the Lord faithfully , obey His commandments and shun evil just as Abram did , we can experience progressive peace in this world and hereafter , when we die , we can go to heaven .
Amen .
The Rev . Edward Akotey is pastor of the Nteso Group of the New Church in Nteso , Ghana . He was ordained in 2010 and into the second degree of the priesthood in 2012 . Contact : eakotey2000 @ yahoo . com