New Church Life Jan/Feb 2015 | Page 8

new church life: jan uary/february 2015 • Abraham Lincoln once humbly acknowledged: “I am busily engaged in the study of the Bible because it always finds me where I am.” Reading the Word and the Writings can be daunting for anyone plunging in on his or her own, but the more we can bring a sense that “this is God talking to me,” we cannot help but be enriched and inspired. A good place for anyone to start to cultivate a habit is with the Daily Inspiration sent out by General Church Outreach. (You can sign up to receive it by e-mail the first thing each morning at We are told in the Writings how important reading the Word is – not only for our own good but for the connection it makes with the angels in heaven. And it is important not just to read, but to think and reflect humbly about what we are reading, with an affirmative attitude of: what is God saying to me here? We are blessed in the Church also with the revelation of the internal, spiritual sense of the Word, and at least an inkling of the correspondences with which the angels in heaven delight in reading and studying the Word to all eternity. This is the Lord’s gift to us ( 2F