New Church Life Jan/Feb 2015 | Page 12

new church life: jan uary/february 2015 is the love of my wisdom, and I am the wisdom of her love. Her love outwardly clothes my wisdom, and my wisdom is inwardly within her love. Consequently, as you have said, the unity of our souls appears in our faces.” (Conjugial Love 75.5) It is through women, and only women, that the love that unites a man and a woman in a spiritual marriage comes into the world and is able to be received by men. “There is no conjugial love with the male sex; it is with the female sex alone, and from this sex is transferred into the male.” (Conjugial Love 223) When a woman’s love is joined to the truth acquired by a man, it is like when warmth is added to the light of the sun falling on the earth in springtime, and the trees leaf out and flower and bring forth fruit. Truth is thus converted into the wisdom of life. In this way, she saves him from the egotism of attributing to himself whatever intelligence he may have acquired – in which case the very truth that constitutes male wisdom would be spoiled by the insanity of self-intelligence. In the words of an angel wife: We women come by birth into a love for the intelligence of men. If men themselves love their own intelligence, it cannot be united with its proper true love which is found in a wife; and then his intelligence becomes irrational a s a result of conceit, and conjugial love in him turns cold. Now what woman can unite her love to a love that is cold? And what man can unite the irrationality of his conceit to a love for intelligence? (Conjugial Love 331.2) The essence of masculinity is a love of truth, and the intelligence and wisdom formed by truth. The essence of femininity is to love the intelligence and wisdom in a man, to embrace it, enwrap it in love, nurture it, and help him bring it forth into the uses of life. But if there is no love of truth, no real intelligence or wisdom, to be found in men – or if what they really love is just their own cleverness – what is there in them, really, for women to love? “What woman can unite her love to a love that is cold?” With that in mind, consider how masculinity is viewed in our culture today. Is it defined as loving truth and seeking wisdom? No, that would be “sexist.” Instead, masculine behavior, especially as portrayed in popular entertainment aimed at young men, is associated with vanity, egotism, ruthless ambition, irresponsibility, childishness, lack of respect for women, grossness and violence. What is there in this for women to love? And in so far as men actually conform to this popular caricature of manhood, what is there in them to love women, beyond physical desire? The popular portrayal of women today is not much better. There seems to be an idea that achieving “equality,” “liberation” and the “empowerment” of women means speaking and acting like men – and not necessarily men at their best. What does womanliness or femininity even mean in an age that 8