New Church Life Jan/Feb 2014 | Page 66

new church life: jan uary / february 201 4 others, such as saving for retirement, communication skills, etc. In November we launched our Bible study component, following a topic through the Lord’s Word, with some insight from the teachings for the New Church to guide our understanding. Probably the most important aspect of Leading Men is for us to be active and visible in the life of the Church. Leading Men handed out flowers to all the ladies for Mother’s Day, raised money for a water conservation project, and then through a number of work parties made the necessary reservoir repairs, installed the tank, pipes, pump, etc., and then handed out bottled water to the congregation as a show of thanks for support of the water project. As Leading Men we enjoy getting involved in social functions and supporting the congregation through the all-important task of South African outdoor culture – cooking the meat. We are still in the beginning stages of running this group, trying new things, seeing what works and what doesn’t. It requires effort to get something new off the ground, but thanks to the dedicated core group of men who are leading the way, we look forward to getting more and more men involved who are developing spiritually, growing personally and serving others – while having fun. (See photos on page 75.) The Rev. Mark B. Allais is the pastor of the New Church Buccleuch in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he has served since 2010. He was ordained in 2009 and into the second degree in 2010. He and his wife, Karen (Mortlock), live in Buccleuch with their three daughters. [email protected] 62