New Church Life Jan/Feb 2014 | Page 38

new church life: jan uary / february 201 4 Develop your will, He says, by learning to love all people, even those who have hurt you and mistreated you. Make My will your own. Sharpen your intellect, He says, through studying My Word. Make My truth your own. Act as if you are doing all of this yourself, through your own power, He says, but believe that the power is from Me. Make My power your own. Trust in Me, He says, and do good, and I will put away all that is ignoble and unlovely in your heart. Instead, I will give you new desires, new thoughts, new dreams. I will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4) I will make you a new person. Have I not said, ‘‘I make all things new”? (Revelation 21.5) And then, looking directly into our eyes and into our heart, He says: “I will operate on your soul, and you can cooperate with Me by striving to keep My commandments. And then you will know what it means to be a human being.* And I guarantee that in the end it will be very good.” So this week as we continue with the Journey Program our focus will be upon becoming more fully human, going forward with love in our hearts, and with a sure faith that the Lord is with us, leading us and blessing us, whispering: “Build your character upon the truths of My Word. Hear these sayings of Mine and do them. And then, when the rain descends, and the floods rise, and the winds of adversity assail you, you will stand firm, and in that day – the sixth day of your new creation – you will know with blessed assurance what it means to be truly human.” Amen Lessons: Genesis 1:24-31, Matthew 5:43-48, Arcana Coelestia 50:2, 3 * I am indebted to Thomas A. King, author of Allegories of Genesis (1922), for this insight. King writes: “Here is the man of the world, absorbed in mere worldly things. He is in the human shape; he has attained to some degree of intellectual, moral and civil life; and God says to him: ‘I will operate upon your soul; you co-operate by keeping my commandments, and thus let us, I operating and you co-operating, make man – the spiritual man in you, who as he comes into power, will have dominion over all lower things, subduing and bringing them into order.’” Available at Genesis.htm The Rev. Dr. Ray Silverman is Assistant Professor of Religion, English and Moral Philosophy in Bryn Athyn College. He was ordained in 1984 and into the second degree in 1985. He and his wife, Star (Bruner), live in Meadowbrook, Pennsylvania. [email protected] 34