Typical DAy
The Rules in Visual Merchandising
Arrive at the store around 6:00am or 7:00am.
Check the stock and fixtures so you are able to see what you are working with. If there were to be any fixtures missing, if there is a store nearby you would check to see if they any spare. If not you would probably resort to going to a B&Q.
Check the layout that has been given to you by head office and see if there may need to be any changes with it.
Set up the fixtures and tables. This means that you might change the height of the fixtures so that some of the pieces will be seem more clearly than others. If there are pieces with multiple colours you would use a fixture. The one that will most likely become a best seller will be placed at the front of the store.
If you are doing the window displays you have to put an outfit together. You have to make sure that there is enough quantity for the items that you put on the mannequins because if there are on the mannequins but not in store you may lose potential customers.
You have to make sure that the items in the window are going alongside with the weather. If the day is cold you will not be putting summer outfits in the window.
The mannequins have to be as presentable as possible. If they are going to wearing wigs you have to make sure that they are combed and styled correctly. Making sure that everything is clean and presentable is one of the most important parts for VM. This means dusting all the shelves, the podiums that the mannequins may be standing on and the mannequins themselves.
This all has to be done before the shop opens which is usually at 9:00am.