The newsletter team
Editor Daniella Abraham
Advertising Coordinator Beccy Evenden
Features Writers
Daniella Abraham, Lisa Robertson, Caroline Graham
Welcome to our autumn newsletter. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed creating it.
This month we will be featuring a new section in New Addition where you get to meet a local mumpreneur; we have a section all about coping with colic; and for those of you who don't know where to start with writing a birth plan some of our members are sharing their hints and tips.
If you need some inspiration about what to do with babies and toddlers this autumn we have some great crafts that can be done inside and outside of the home.
If you're looking for some cooking inspiration you might like our recipes this month. We're all about comfort food cooking and I'm sure children of all ages will enjoy helping out.
If you're looking to join our team of volunteers you can see our current vacant roles on page 10.
Special thanks to our magazine sponsor Waterbabies who offer swimming lessons for babies in our local area. Their advert can be found on the inside cover.
Special thanks to RebeccaVC1 our autumn coverstar this month.
Note: Monkey Music telephone number is 01789 720289 and not as printed.
Editor's Letter