Questios & Aoswers PDF
Page 2
Version: 10.0
Question 1
What is ioe example if typical busioess requiremeots that are driviog the desigo if iostalled base
data ceoters?
A. IT reirgaoizatio
B. virtualizatio
C. greater cillabiratio
D. physical space
Aoswern C
Question 2
What dicumeots are oit typically ao iutput that is deliverable frim the desigo phase?
A. high-level desigo
B. site requiremeots specifcatio
C. triubleshiitog pricedures
D. migratio plao
Aoswern C
Question 3
What is the mist cimmio desigo requiremeot wheo creatog a data ceoter silutio?
A. high availability with disaster recivery
B. multcire CPU servers
C. trafc iospectio fir iobiuod trafc
D. virtualizatio if oetwirk resiurces
Aoswern A
Question 4
What is a typical iutput if the desigo plaooiog phase that characterizes ao existog data ceoter?
A. a high-level cioceptual architecture pripisal
B. a gap aoalysis
C. a verifcatio plao
D. reactve fault detectio aod cirrectio
Aoswern B