stop the cascade of events leading to cognitive decline . Our results add another dimension to this argument by pointing to the fact that Aβ produced early in disease may be exceptional not only in the time it appears but also in its biochemical features and potency . We argue that it is crucial to intervene as early as possible in AD to have a chance at changing the course of this devastating disease . To implement these strategies , extremely sensitive biomarkers will need to be discovered in order to zoom in on this critical window .
Figure 3 . Total seeding dose 50 plateaus with increasing age while the specific activity peaks at the age of deposition in both mouse lines . Adapted from Ye et al .
Jay Rasmussen is a PhD candidate in the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research in the lab of Prof . Dr . Mathias Jucker in Tübingen , Germany .
Article written in reference to : Ye L , Rasmussen J , Kaeser SA , Marzesco A , Obermueller U , Mahler J , Schelle J , Odenthal J , Krueger C , Fritschi SK , Walker LC , Staufenbiel M , Baumann F and Jucker M . Aβ seeding potency peaks in the early stages of cerebral β-amyloidosis . EMBO Reports . 2017 ( in press ).
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