Neuromag May 2017 | Page 31

team Michael Paolillo Founder, Chief Editor, Website Admin Currently a GTC Doctoral student at the Interfaculty Institute for Biochemistry in the lab of Prof. Dr. Robert Feil Gizem Altan Chief Designer, Head Coordinator, Website Admin Currently a GTC Doctoral student at the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience in the Vision and Cognition lab of Dr. Andreas Bartels Barbara Peysakhovich Head Editor, Assistant Digital Designer, Website & Twitter Admin Graduated from the Neural and Behavioural Sciences master’s program in 2016. Currently a computational neuroscience PhD student at the University of Chicago in the lab of David Freedman Johanna Salu Editor, Digital Designer, Artist Currently a GTC Master’s student in the Neural Information Processing lab of Prof. Dr. Felix Wichmann Anne Thaler Chief of Communications, Coordinator Currently a GTC Doctoral student at the MPI for Biological Cybernetics in the Space and Body Perception Group of Dr. Betty Mohler Anastasia Illarionova Artist, Design Assistant Currently a GTC Master’s student in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Impressum Redaktionsanschrift Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience International Max Planck Research School University of Tübingen Österbergstr. 3 72074 Tübingen - Germany phone (+49) 7071-29-77179 fax (+49) 7071-29-5089 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Verantwortlich für den Inhalt Michael Paolillo Redaktionsleitung und Gestaltung Gizem Altan, Barbara Peysakhovich, Johanna Salu, Anne Thaler, Anastasia Illarionova Druck & Vertrieb Tübinger Handelsdruckerei Müller + Bass Hechinger Strasse 25 72072 Tübingen Anzeigenleitung Thomas Bass Tübinger Handelsdruckerei Müller + Bass Hechinger Strasse 25 72072 Tübingen Telefon: 07071-32449 Telefax: 07071-33499 E-Mail: [email protected]