terpretation (think Schrödinger’s cat),
or the Big Bang theory. If you are not
familiar with these concepts, you will
probably need to pull up a quick Wikipedia introduction to fully understand
the relevant passages. However, if you
are generally interested in science and
have already read a popular science
book that touches on these topics, you
might instead be relieved that Barrow
keeps the introduction brief.
reader participation (intellectual engagement only) to fully deliver. I have
put it down several times, only to pick
it up again the next time that I am on
holiday or travelling. Luckily, the end of
each chapter is equipped with a short
summary to refresh your memory and
allow you to carry on reading where
you last stopped.
If you, like me, want an introduction
to broad ideas in physics, mathematics and philosophy to supplement how
you think about science and its role
in the world, then I think you would
thoroughly enjoy this book. If you are
looking for an in-depth treatment of
any single topic, however, you would
probably not be satisfied. For my level
of prior knowledge, Impossibility has
given me numerous new insights and
enlightening perspectives on how
to think about the impossible. I have
realised that some commonly held
ideas that feel intuitively reasonable
by Johanna Salu
are completely impossible on a closer
look, yet other alien-sounding fantaImpossibility is not the kind of book sies may be closer to reality than we
that one just cannot put down. It is a think. Which ones? Well, you’ll just
fairly dense read and requires some have to read the book.
Johanna Salu, Estonia
Neural and Behavioural Sciences
Master’s Program ‘16
Currently a GTC Master’s student in the
Neural Information Processing lab of
Prof. Dr. Felix Wichmann
Outside the lab
Studying in Tübingen should not mean that you only sit inside attending lectures or researching.
For a small town, there are a great number of options. Here are some suggestions:
1 – Head out with some friends to kareoke night on Mondays at the Schwarzer Schaf
Location: Pfleghofstraße 10, Tübingen
2 – Get your dance on at salsa night on Thursdays at Asmara
Location: Kirchgasse 5, Tübingen
3 – Enjoy the good summer weather with a bike ride to Schloß Lichtenstein
by Sandra Käß
Location: Schloß Lichtenstein 1, 72805, Lichtenstein, Germany
4 – Get your grub on at the African Restaurant
Location: Schlachthausstraße 9, Tübingen
5 – Rent a Stocherkahn on the Nekar River and give ‘stochern’ a try yourself
Location: Nekar River, Tübingen
6 – When in doubt about what to do, get a drink at a pub, any pub, but this is certainly
by Gizem Altan
26 | NEUROMAG | July 2016