Neue Debatte - Special Edition - Long Essay on Left Strategy #002 - 04/2017 | Page 64

11 Choosing the right track tional concerns, which avoid tax payment by all tricks of national and international law and moreover profit from public featherbedding. A people’s government has to analyse the situation by own experts, own institutes and to have own professional PR agencies available. We know the comprehensive judicial, corrupted power play of all professional players in this game who try to obscure all and every- thing by help of agitation and propaganda campaigns via the media. You cannot win this game from within. Above all, a people’s govern- ment has to edit new economic and legal rules. It has to activate con- stantly the politically aware and interested public. It has to communi- cate openly its measures, listen to the people and never hesitate to correct and adjust these measures. 11.2 On the banking crisis Dealing with a European banking crisis you, Yanis, and your two peers exclusively treat it as a strategic EcWW problem: ”The Eurozone features a central bank with no government, and national governments with no supportive central bank, ar- rayed against a global network of mega-banks they cannot possibly supervise.” 46 You declare the global network of mega-banks the opponent compet- itor in the EcWW. Poor ECB stands alone without being supported by national governments and poor governments have no central bank. As a good Euro-fighter you want to make European banking fit for global challenges. A Eurozone central superbank called “Banking Un- ion” has to be put into practice: “The Eurozone must eventually be- come a single banking area with a single banking authority.” 47 Your concern is solely how to recapitalise and save rotten banks in a much more systematic and centralised manner to make them a useful module and section in European EcWW forces. By building up strate- gic EcWW power, centralised European banking shall catch up with the US-megabanks. This will lead to additional concentration in worldwide financial capitalism and will intensify the financial pres- sure on other economies and will make the world even more explo- sive. 46 A Modest Proposal, 4.0, sec. 2. 47 A Modest Proposal, 4.0, sec. 4, Policy 1. 58