Neue Debatte - Special Edition - Long Essay on Left Strategy #002 - 04/2017 | Page 54

9 Summing up: from DIEM to SEUCAM? 9 Summing up: from DIEM to SEUCAM? Democracy in Europe is impossible as long as almighty global finance- capitalist players, IMF’s, American, Japanese and European Central Banks and their subsidiaries in nation states, multinational globally performing cartels (oil, automotive, shipping, etc.) as well as military complexes have the power to force the world under their heels. We have seen that democracy is incompatible with capitalistic principles and social practice. That is why all modern states of the western make are plutocratic oligarchies, disguised as representative democ- racies. They maintain this camouflage as long as they succeed to throw dust into the common men’s eyes and make them believe to have a say in fundamental decisions. When during constantly deep- ening systemic crises the oligarchies in disguise can no longer pre- tend democratic government, states are shifted to open populist, mostly nationalist, authoritarian regimes. This downward spiral re- sults from the system inherent overheating of global capitalism. It resembles a nuclear power plant out of control inevitably approach- ing the worst case scenario. Therefore a “Democracy in Europe movement” with the central slo- gan: “Democratise Europe!” supplemented by capitalism stabilizing policies is a fake! My scrutiny over DIEM’s basics has brought into light an ordinary Social Democratic reform program for saving Euro- pean capitalism from itself. Though pan-European and grass-roots democratically presented this program exploits thousands of deeply worried and ready to fight activists to back as their entourage a “Long March through the EU Institutions” of leading experts and political insiders. Democratisation is confused with the LOMATI to gain ad- ministrative political power in an existing and unchanged EU mon- ster. DIEM25 in the developing shape is not what so many activists think it to be: it is hardly an emancipatory or radical democratic movement that is able to give unvarnished perspective to people’s resistance and fights all over Europe. DIEM25 is obviously the result of green table constructions based on your professorial expertise on the economic crisis of Europe, sadly meant to advise the EU establishment how to repair the rotten sys- 48