Neue Debatte - Special Edition - Long Essay on Left Strategy #002 - 04/2017 | Page 46

7 Repairing capitalism in Europe? Yanis, from the start for you the political aim of “Democratise Eu- rope!” was a means to “Stabilize capitalism!” Indeed, you never saw the need for “very long and serious deliberation”. A “fully fledged and comprehensive” Version 4.0 of the “Modest Proposal for Resolving the Eurozone Crisis” had been published by you, Holland and Gal- braith in July 2013 already. Now the legal Association Statutes frankly shift the “Modest Proposal” from an “Aim” (art. 4) to a “Priority” (art. 5), its relevance obviously being decided. That’s what it is all about: “Use existing EU institutions and Treaties to bring about equi- table and European solutions to Europe’s crisis of public debt, banking, inadequate investments and rising poverty.” 28 As we learn by this crisis solution implies no new institutions no rede- signing the Eurozone, no new rules, fiscal compacts, or troikas. 29 We have to reset the course of the Brussels bureaucracy from within. Now, the founding of a legal DIEM-identity reveals its sense: Sup- ported by international celebrities a respectable public DIEM- association is certainly best suited for winning elections, forming coa- litions, and pursue policies within the untouched EU structures in Brussels and Frankfurt. The political to-dos named in the Association Statutes stay vague: “to bring about…”, “to subject to the will …”, “to dismantle …”, “to re- politicise the rule …” 30 The common political activist will ask right away in each case: how? To answer the “HOWs” in accordance with my own experiences: there is only one track known from history you need such a legal, distinguished association for: the LOMATI. 28 DIEM25 Organising Principles, APPENDIX: The legal constitution …, art. 5 (“Priorities”). 29 See citation on page 43. 30 DIEM25 Organising Principles, APPENDIX: The legal constitution …, Art. 4 (“Aims”). 40