Neue Debatte - Special Edition - Long Essay on Left Strategy #002 - 04/2017 | Page 16

2 On democracy privileged land owning, aristocratic elite. The archaic tribal communi- ty became outdated and the state emerged into history. The histori- cal change was enormous. Land was no longer a gift of nature to be used by the tribal community. It changed its character. In the Aegean hemisphere it became parcelled out and allocated to individuals as private property, which had to be marked and secured through exact definition. Hence, for the first time in human history the early Greek state brought forth a legal system, which made private property the sacrosanct basis of their class society by endowing private ownership with the perpetual, unrestricted power of disposal and control. That is the main reason why even today the bourgeois-capitalist societies still cherish the Greek heritage as the dawn of Western civilisation. So let us keep in mind the lesson of history that private property not only of land but of all social means of production (including today’s company shares and finance and banking products) is only valid by legal declaration that benefits a propertied elite and can thus be ad- justed anytime by modernised, more appropriate definitions and new statuary regulations. I will return to this when we have to reflect on social strategies. Democracy is a system of government in class societies. The various formations of the early state resulted from the power balance and the confrontations between the elites - palace, temple, aristocracy and landlords– the first ruling classes in history. The famous Greek polis was merely a historic peculiarity of the era of state formation. To understand the Attic Democracy (the rule of the demos) requires a proper sociological analysis of the early Athenian class structure in order to clear who belonged to the demos and whom they held sway over collectively. If you isolate the demos from the rest of society you will never understand what democracy was about. Yanis, you should be careful using the Attic democracy for any political reasoning and historical parallels. Of course, it may appear pertinent to our current situation if we get to know the demos operating internally by majori- ty vote with officials selected by lot. Nevertheless the demos were just some thousand, land owning and property graded free male citi- zens, who ruled as the upper stratum over the unprivileged and de- pendent and unfree bulk of the population. 10