Neue Debatte - Special Edition - Essay on Left Strategy Left Strategy - 04/2017 | Página 3

reality “ all power emanates from the capital ”.
The Western representative democracies are nothing but plutocratic oligarchies camouflaged as parliamentary systems . People ’ s rule and genuine democracy cannot last long unchallenged because capital , which by definition and practice rules the world , cannot be voted out of its grip on society by majorities . Until today peoples ’ governments were always and everywhere fiercely fought right away by the oligarchic upper class .
On Nations and Nationalism
The “ nation ” has been imagined to back up ideologically the modern bourgeoiscapitalist state , to define the borders of its domestic markets and the range of its political and legal dominion . Nationalism is the most prominent ideology to disarm the peoples and to make the lower classes modelling clay in the hands of an economic and political establishment .
Again and again the majority got talked into a narrow-minded , collective , national “ WE ” ( WE Britons , WE Germans , WE Frenchmen , WE Poles , Italians , Spaniards , Danes , etc .). The mendacious “ WE ” pretends social unity of equals . But there cannot be national companionship between capitalist employers and dependent employees , financial elites and propertyfree populations or equality between surplus dissipating upper classes and value generating workforce .
� “ WE ” working people of all countries ,
� “ WE ” by globally operating concern bosses transnationally exploited labour force ,
� “ WE ” by a nuclear power lobby crossborder threatened populations ,
� “ WE ”, the global population , that has to suffer from the damage to the environment and climate caused by a vanishingly small monopolistic band of finance and economy lords and their political stooges , WE belong together and WE all stand on the same side of the barricades , irrespective of nations , continents or states .
On European Capitalist Crises
Ignoring this global reality Yanis continuously propagates his central political and economic aim “ to save European capitalism from itself ”, to stabilize capitalism , to repair , control and regulate it . This comes close to an ordinary , only too well-known , social democratic reform program .
The policy paper “ Modest Proposal for Resolving the Eurozone Crisis ” by Yanis Varoufakis , Stuart Holland and James K . Galbraith is their program to stabilize European capitalism . The proposals concerning the state debts crisis , banking crisis and investment crisis turn out to be typical professorial policy counselling , an economic panacea which will never save anything from itself .
On Diem Strategies and Tactics
DIEM25 distinguishes immediate activities , medium term priorities , and the longer term goal : Transparency of the Brussels administration , stabilizing anti-crisis economic policies , and a European constitution in order to transform Europe into a fully-fledged democracy .
For me these plans are a brainchild of intellectual academic contrivers without connection to current peoples ’ movements and needs . DIEM25 is no “ Democracy in Europe Movement ”. They are chas-