Networks Europe May/June 2016 | Page 20



Hubbell FCR

Cabling System

Comprehensive , end to end fibre solution
Hubbell Premise Wiring offer a fully integrated system of fibre network cabling and components that are
designed to exceed all applicable standards for performance and reliability .
Hubbell fibre cabling systems provide the confidence of third party performance verification , along with a full 25 Year Mission Critical System Warranty .
Hubbell ’ s OptiChannel FCR Cabling System is a comprehensive , end to end fibre solution that supports high bandwidth data centre applications including 10 / 40 / 100 GbE .
To compliment this range further , is the new addition to the OptiChannel FCR Series Fibre Enclosures with a high density 144-port configuration in a 1U space . Designed specifically for data centres , the FCRHD1U Series enclosure is an innovative solution to maximize space utilization without compromising accessibility . A 3-drawer design provides a flexible , scalable , and reconfigurable interconnect facility for a wide array of data centre and fibre distribution applications . Each drawer accepts four compact OCLCHD Series ultra-thin LC fibre cassette modules that easily snap into place . Each LC fibre cassette module has a 12-fibre rear MPO receptacle to channel traffic into a single 3.0mm cable to minimize congestion . A true “ plug-n-play ” design , the FCRHD1U Series has the flexibility to re-configure , partition , or scale up to future 40 / 100 GbE fibre applications by simply adding or changing out cassette modules . The FCRHD1U Series fibre enclosures , OCLCHD Series compact cassettes , and custom MPO cords provide the total data center solution .
“ Today ’ s storage area networks , advanced fibre interconnections and high-density fibre switches in the data center require space-saving solutions to accommodate maximum fibre ports in a 1U space without compromising accessibility ,” according to Jon Lutzen , Senior Product Manager for Hubbell Optical Fiber Systems . “ Hubbell ’ s new high-density 1U fibre enclosure is the perfect solution to provide density and consolidation , with a simple plugand-play design for rapid deployment and timely network start-up .”
Available in gray or black , Hubbell ’ s new high-density 1U fibre enclosure fits easily into 19-inch or 23-inch racks and cabinets . Typical applications require only one enclosure per rack , allowing maximum space for active equipment . The compact LC to MPO cassettes and 12-fibre MPO cords are available in OM3 and OM4 grade multimode , and single mode optical fibers to support the full range of current and future optical network applications . Hubbell ’ s OptiChannel OCLCHD Series Ultra Compact Fibre Cassette Modules , are compatible for use in the FCRHD1U Series 1U enclosures , providing a complete system solution for advanced data centre applications . Providing maximum MPO to LC interconnect density in a wafer-thin module , the ultra-compact OCLCHD Series cassettes offer a flexible , quick deployment solution to configure high speed optical networks in the most complex data centre infrastructures . Minimizing rack space to a compact 1U enclosure , with capacity up to 144 LC connector ports enables the designer to allocate maximum rack space for critical network equipment . Achieving maximum port density without compromising accessibility is a key feature of the innovative compact design . Another benefit of this ultra-compact solution is creating more space for air flow through the rack or cabinet . The user-friendly snap-in modular design , integral with a 3-drawer compact 1U enclosure , enhances the ability to manage , allocate , and partition optical networks . The modular design also promotes efficient moves , adds and changes , along with future-proof evolution to 40 / 100 GbE network applications . MPO cabling from each cassette module also minimizes congestion for optimum air flow and maintainability .
The FCRHD1U Series fibre enclosures , OCLCHD Series compact cassettes , and custom MPO cords provide the total data centre solution . n
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