Networks Europe May-Jun 2017 | Page 7

How Cool Are You.... Oasis™ Indirect Evaporative Cooling Systems designed for data centers With a wide portfolio of Oasis™ Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) systems, Munters’ team of data center specialists can provide comprehensive design support to data center cooling engineers. Sophisticated design software provides detailed financial and thermal performance predictions, including hourly energy consumption for the full year, based on predictive weather data. Munters energy efficient Oasis IEC solutions are installed in a wide variety of data centers across North America, Europe, Asia and Australasia. These configurable systems circulate the primary air from the white space through heat exchangers which are cooled using a combination of outdoor air movement and evaporation. The indoor and outdoor airstreams never mix, resulting in a minimal requirement for filtration. +44 1480 410223 • E-mail: [email protected] TALK TO US ABOUT • Data center or Telecom cooling • Indirect and Direct evaporative cooling solutions • Make-up air and humidity control systems • Energy efficiency • Selection software • Testing • Service and support New! Visit the Munters Data Center Academy video tutorials on cooling principles for data centers web page or scan the QR code to go direct to You Tube playlist