Networks Europe May-Jun 2017 | Page 3

CONTENTS 12 28 06 News 03 42 34 HD Fibre Networks Europe helps you to understand the art of the possible as the news desk highlights some of the stories currently catching their attention. 12 Keeping up with demand High-density and edge networks could be key to a flexible upgrade path as data demands grow. 16 Ensure GDPR compliance Why data centres, the mainstay of the information age, require robust physical security to guarantee GDPR challenges are met. 20 The enterprise manager's checklist Getting to grips with DDoS attacks and the Botnet army when it comes to Internet of Things devices. 24 Training and Accreditation The road to becoming a Data Centre Design Consultant is now clearer than ever before. Working with high-density fibre to keep up with growing data both now and in the future. 36 Meeting expectations Training that meets a quality threshold is almost like having good manners. 38 Independent analytics Many things in life go full circle, and IT is no different – the key to success is optimising your infrastructure. 42 Fibre to the antenna Time and costs savings can be significant when using hybrid cabling solutions to meet growing mobile data demands. 44 Simplifying network infrastructure General Manager EMEA at IDEAL Networks Paul Walsh shares his thoughts on how cabling fits into the evolution of the data centre 46 Skills crisis 28 The roadmap to SDN The way data is routed and managed hadn’t undergone any radical changes for thirty years, until SDN came along... 30 Building a Big Data backbone 50 Getting hyped up by the demand for cloud scale data centres that If British businesses are to remain relevant in the world we need to sort out our IT skills problem. 48 The enterprise manager's checklist Your guide to selecting the best UPS provider to help guarantee continuity of service in the data centre. shows little sign of slowing down. 49 Directory NETWORKS EUROPE E Space Business Centre, 181 Wisbech Road, Littleport, Cambridge, CB6 1RA Tel 01353 771460 Published by: LGN Media LTD Publisher & Managing Director: Ian Titchener Creative Director: Andrew Beavis Editor: James Abbott Production Manager: Rachel Titchener Group Sales Director: Lee Morris Financial Controller: Samantha White The views expressed in the articles and technical papers are those of the authors and are not endorsed by the publishers. The author and publisher, and its officers and employees, do not accept any liability for any errors that may have occurred, or for any reliance on their contents. All trademarks and brandnames are respected within our publication. However, the publishers accept no responsibility for any inadvertent misuse that may occur. This publication is protected by copyright © 2016 and accordingly must not be reproduced in any medium. All rights reserved. Networks Europe stories, news, know-how? Please submit to [email protected] including high resolution (300dpi+ CMYK) images.