Networks Europe Jul-Aug 2020 | Page 42

22 data centre of tomorrow
With the digital transforma accelerating in recent times forced to make some big d approach

22 data centre of tomorrow

The data centr

With the digital transforma accelerating in recent times forced to make some big d approach

And the mountain of data co

Philip Bridge President Ontrack
In 2018 , the global volume of data was a ' mere ' 33 zettabytes ( ZB ). By 2025 though , IDC predicts that number will balloon to 175 ZB . With the amount of information gathered and processed by businesses growing all the time , legacy data centres are beginning to struggle under strain .
The era of big data demands a new approach . Today , businesses require a flexible data centre solution that can scale upon demand . This is one of the reasons why the cloud has become so popular in recent years . The other big factor is latency .
When looking to adapt offerings in real-time from data from sources such as transactions or social data , that data needs to be accurate and up-to-date . To facilitate this , data centres need to be able to get the right data to the right applications as quickly as possible . Any delay could leave a business using inaccurate and outdated information to drive their decision-making .
As BIS Infotech notes , big data has had a significant impact on how data centres handle traffic and processing , with batch and stream processing expected to be handled in real-time . " To support all these transactions / processes that are happening in real-time , a data centre must be equipped with enough processing power , storage I / Os and network bandwidth ."
Big data demands The demands of big data are undoubtedly having an impact on IT professionals ' thinking when it comes to choosing a data centre . One trend is clear . Very few businesses have the money or resources to build their own dedicated data centres . The odd big corporate – such as a big bank or pharmaceutical company – may be able to justify the investment , but that is usually for regulatory or security reasons . The vast majority of businesses are instead turning towards colocation and the cloud .
As well as the obvious cost benefits of having no capital expenditure , moving to a cloud-based solution also gives businesses access to a greater amount of processing power than they would often be able to achieve on their own . In the past , this kind of processing power was either the domain of large enterprises or would have meant a large bill from a data centre provider . Yet , as technology has advanced , this type of capability is becoming more and more affordable for small and medium-sized firms too .
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