Network Magazine Winter 2021 | Page 58

• Make sure you have clear goals and training outcomes for any class or group training session you design and deliver
• Create an inclusive environment in which participants rely on each other to complete tasks and training challenges
• Use music to inspire and motivate , ensuring the beats per minute ( BPM ) match the pace and intensity you want participants to work at
• Ensure you can be clearly seen and heard by all participants
• Get to know your group ’ s various behaviours and personalities , and use this knowledge to foster relationships , positively influence group dynamics and foster a strong sense of community .
Let the music share the workload
Don ’ t let the responsibility for providing motivation rest entirely on your own shoulders : strategically use music to inspire and motivate movement .
What type of music have you got planned ? Does the beats per minute ( BPM ) match the pace and intensity you wish to seek from clients ? If you ’ re unsure of the right music speed to use , read up on it . If the music is too fast , it can result in poor technique and loss of focus during a strength session . Too slow , and a HIIT session with fast movements may be too laborious on the body .
A general rule of thumb is that basic circuit training can utilise a good track of around 130-140BPM . A pure strength session in which the focus is on time under tension ( TUT ) for the muscles may be slower , at about 128-130BPM . The beat of the music will be an underlying guide for the clients to move . Without even thinking , they will start moving to the pace , especially when their heads get a bit foggy with fatigue towards the end of the session .
Know your team
Get to know your group - the behaviours and personalities , the experienced and the newbies . By introducing new people to veterans of your classes , you can foster a strong community feel and provide reassurance to newcomers .
Furthermore , if you know which regulars have higher energy , fun-seeking behaviours
( the ‘ interactive innovators ’ if using the terminology of DISC behaviours ), you know who you can call on to get the energy pumping . Not only does this assist you in ramping up the motivation , but they ’ ll also love sharing the spotlight with you ! Plus , it will allow you to focus on delivering a great technical session .
Working the room
Think about your movement through the room . Your placement and how you flow through the room is important . Can you be seen by all participants in the session ? Can you be clearly heard ? What position is going to give you the best control in terms of flow and safety ? The space itself will dictate this to some degree , but by instructing from a place of power and precision you will create a commanding presence within the group .
At what point do you walk up to an individual to create connection and drive motivation for them ? You may see a newbie looking a little confused about a particular exercise or technique . This is a great time to connect with them and teach them something , allowing for a feeling of success but also something to give them to work on for their next session .
Creating a group response , getting them to give a shout out , a thumbs up or a massive smile , draws the team back to you and your presence . Remind them that you are there and they are in safe and knowledgeable hands . In addition to positive encouragement , you also have an opportunity to educate the group . Pose questions about what the class is doing and then provide answers . Why are they doing this ? Why are the sets / reps in this range ? What is a HIIT session ? What are the expected outcomes ? Allow nuggets of information to come through , setting up the why and drive for the session . This will serve to create purpose and intention .
Supercharge your reputation , participant experience and business success
Group training comes in all shapes and forms , but one thing ’ s for sure , if delivered with care and good planning , it is a great dynamic experience for everyone involved .
By combining a team focus with thoughtful use of music , lighting and strategic instructor interaction , you can achieve not only a great result at the end of the session , but an enjoyable and memorable experience that inspires participants to lock your sessions into their weekly calendars . This , in turn , will enhance your instructor rapport and drive word-of-mouth referrals .
Shaun Radford A fitness professional and the Training Team Leader for the Australian Institute of Fitness QLD , Shaun has helped thousands of personal trainers and clients reach their fitness and career goals . He is the creator of Network ' s online CEC-accredited short course ' Triumphant Team Training - group training dynamics ', available at special rates for Network Members here .