Network Magazine Winter 2021 | Page 11





Coach and movement therapist Vanessa Leone explores how to create periodised training plans that incorporate PT and class workouts .

P eriodisation has never been the sexiest word in the fitness

industry . I typed it into dictionary . com to see the literal meaning , and well let ’ s just say there ’ s a reason the boring definition didn ’ t make it into this article . Why , then , do I deem it important enough to investigate the purpose of periodisation in the industry ? Stay with me to find out .
I am a hybrid coach . I have molded my fitness business to encompass my dual abilities of being both an excellent coach with 1:1 clients , and an entertaining and empowering group fitness instructor . Having this combination has meant that I have never been without an engaged audience that returns weekly for PT sessions , classes , or both . If a space ever arises in my coaching schedule , I can mention it in my classes and within a week or two be back to full capacity .
In my mind , being a group ex instructor means that not only do I have this excellent lead generation source , but that I can also reach more people and help to influence their lives . Then , when those people need more specific , individualised help , I can seamlessly offer 1:1 sessions . It ’ s a perfect symbiotic circle .
The need for periodising my 1:1 clients and my classes became apparent when I noticed how much my classes affected my clients ’ performance and vice versa . Here , we look at a simplified three step checklist to create periodisation , whether you coach 1:1 or groups .
1 . Why Vs Goal
Everybody you encounter at a gym or training facility has an underlying emotional reason for wanting to achieve their goals . On top of that underlying emotional reason , most people have a range of other challenges they are dealing with . A good coach knows their client ’ s goals . A great coach knows and understands their client ’ s ‘ why ’ ( underlying reason ). A leading coach knows both of those and understands how additional social , physical , emotional , spiritual , and mental challenges will inevitably affect their client ’ s training regime .
A leading coach will have excellent personal connections with their clients and be able to translate their challenges into meaningful exercise selections . We would all love for our clients to continually progress in a linear fashion , but we know this doesn ’ t happen . Periodisation allows you to plan for