and anything else that tries to push people in one direction or another.
Instead, shut your mouth and open your ears. Ask good, curious
questions. Look to understand your client and their story.
3 Gather data before trying to solve problems
Hang back, get out your measurement tools, and collect intel.
For instance, if a client is having trouble finding time to work out,
don’t lecture them on how important it is to exercise. Instead, ask
them to try doing a time diary for a few days so you can both better
understand how they are using their time.
If a client tells you that a movement is uncomfortable, don’t tell
them that it should be fine. Instead, get out the camera and record
what’s happening. Go step by step. Look at the movement together.
Start with what clients are truly ready, willing, and able
to do
Even if you’re the greatest trainer in the world, if a client isn’t ready,
they won’t change.
5 Look for (and correct) a skills deficit
Many problems happen simply because clients don’t have the skills
they need in order to adopt the behaviours that will lead to their goals.
• Clients without basic planning skills can’t organise their time or
anticipate problems, so they end up ‘too busy to exercise’.
• Clients without basic emotional management skills can’t cope
with stress, so they end up calming down with a few drinks or a
tub of ice cream.
• Clients without fundamental physical self-awareness can’t learn
new movements or know when they are moving wrong, so they
end up injured or feeling awkward and incompetent in the gym.
• Clients that ‘can’t cook’ will have a hard time eating nutritiously,
and will frequently opt for take-away.
• Ask yourself, what skills does my client need in order to a)
understand and do a coaching task at the basic level? and; b) do
the task well and consistently?
• Clients might need more life, movement, and nutrition skills than
you realise. Back up and teach those basic, segmental skills first.
6 Recognise that ambivalence is natural and normal
Even if we want to change, we’ll have mixed feelings about it. That’s
Help clients explore their ambivalence and the forces preventing
them from changing, with an attitude of acceptance and curiosity.
Look for what’s competing with the commitment your client wants
to make. If they ‘can’t find time’ to work out, for instance, what else is
competing for that time? What’s negotiable, and what’s not?
Recognise how your own coaching behaviour may
create resistance
How urgent or anxious do you feel? How frustrated or pushy? How
much do you care versus how much your clients care?
How might you inadvertently be creating the resistance you’re
feeling from clients, even (or especially) if you really, really want to
8 Look for strengths and bright spots
As the song goes, ‘You’ve got to accentuate the positive…’ Ask your
• What strengths or advantages do you already have that could
help you?
• What do you enjoy, and how can we build on that?
• What is already going well?
• Where do problems not happen?
• What have you noticed leading to a positive outcome? When are
you better, even just a little bit?
Paradoxically, compassionate
acceptance is more likely to lead to
change in the long run than judgement
or criticism
Instead of pointing out a bunch of mistakes, relentlessly chase and
highlight successes and possibilities. Then just try to do more of
what’s already working.
Assume your clients are resilient and resourceful.
9 Collaborate with your client on finding solutions
Your job isn’t to be a one-stop solution shop. Your job is to help the
clients generate their own solutions.
Instead of ‘Here’s what we’ll do’ or ‘You should ____’, try asking
questions like:
• ‘What’s worked in the past, even a little?’
• ‘Given this, what might be one small step you’d be willing to take
towards your goals?’
• ‘Realistically, with all that’s on your plate, what seems manageable
for you right now?’
If you want to give guidance, try this:
• ‘I have some ideas, based on what you’ve said, but I’d like to hear
your ideas first.’
10 When in doubt, pause
Take a breath. Ask yourself whether there is more to know, learn,
or understand about this client. Have you missed something? What
additional data could you gather?
Are you working with a full, rich picture of the client’s needs,
wants, values, and priorities?
Are you being client-centred (i.e. following the client’s agenda) or
trainer-centred (i.e. pushing the client to what you want)?
Tough clients are mostly tough because we as coaches push
against them. If you stop pushing, and start dancing instead,
following the clients’ leads, you may find that your clients get a lot
‘easier’ to work with!
Krista Scott-Dixon is the Director of Curriculum for Precision Nutrition.
Previously, she was a professor at York University in Toronto, Canada, as well as a
researcher for a public health institute. She is the co-author of The Essentials of
Sport and Exercise Nutrition. Contact Krista at [email protected]
If you’re looking for more advice on mindset
coaching, click HERE to listen to Helping clients
(and trainers) escape the fitness fail cycle, with
Greg Sellar and for an insightful chat with the
author of the article you’ve just read, click HERE
to listen to Let food (and exercise and rest!) be
thy medicine, with Krista Scott-Dixon