Network Magazine Winter 2017 | Page 53

ride all day, so their legs and trunk muscles need to be rock solid. With these clients I always start with some plyometric drills (lateral box jumps, side steps, jump down with side hop). The explosiveness will help in faster directional changes, take-offs and landings, and will also enable them to ski for longer. The strength phase can be done with any weights, and although squats and deadlifts won’t do any harm, I prefer curtsy lunges, single leg lunges (TRX) and step-ups. You should focus on time under tension with a long eccentric/short concentric ratio to push the muscle fatigue threshold (Koller et al. 2015). Pistol squats are often a favourite drill with athletes, but they take time to master. Any drill that will make gluteus maximus/medius and VMO (vastus medialis oblique) work together to stabilise the hips and knees is a winner. Of course, legs aren’t everything, and if your client doesn’t have a stable trunk, there will be a lot of arm flapping on the slopes! Obliques are very important to counteract the G-Force effect and avoid over-rotating when turning (shoulders should always face down the slopes and arms remain forward). Cable or band drills like Pallov Press, horizontal wood chop and single arm row work just fine, and you can increase the difficulty by standing on a BOSU and increasing eccentric timing. Loaded movement using a ViPR is also very efficient, as it trains the body for changes of terrain (DeadShifts, halos and rotations). I may make a few enemies out there by saying this, but here goes: I don’t believe in planks. To work my clients’ core I prefer to use some primal movement drills such as the Animal Flow Static Beast (with limb lifts), Underswitch, Scorpion Reach and Side Kickthrough. These work the oblique, anterior and posterior slings to increase stability while carving the snow. The 30-second article • Skiing and snowboarding are not linear activities, so incorporate the three planes of motion into training programs for clients who ski • Glute activation is crucial for controlling knee tracking and alleviating quad work • Trunk rotation drills will increase overall stability and balance • Focus on eccentric loading, especially for hamstrings and quads • Ankle dorsiflexion and hamstring length/strength will reduce the risk of injury • Barefoot training increases body awareness and core activation. Conditioning for injury prevention Always remember that snow sports are very different from other physical activities, particularly with regards the footwear and weight of equipment used. Ski and snowboard boots lock you in a semi squat position and totally change the user’s gait. The most common ski injury is ACL/MCL rupture due to the ski torque force and hamstring weakness, whereas snowboarders are more often prone to fractures (ankle, collar bone and wrists). Because skis and snowboards are controlled through micro- movements of the feet, it’s important to get your client to really connect with the base of their feet. For this reason, it’s advisable to check their ability to dorsiflex, and to implement some barefoot training. There is a strong correlation between the deep foot stabilisers and the deep core stabilisers, so I recommend including barefoot drills like lateral lunge and single leg deadlift/squat, as well as fascial tensioning drills using small dumbbells that mimic ski movements. Dr Emily Splichal ( offers some great advice on barefoot and fascial training. Ski training needs to be fun, while focusing on muscle endurance so clients can ski longer and feel less sore the day after Lateral lunge Another key body part that is often forgotten during snow sport training is the hamstrings. They are extremely important for counteracting anterior-directed ACL shear forces and for increasing the dynamic stability of the knee (Aagaard et al. 1998, Tourny-Chollet & Leroy 2002) when it comes to breaking a fall and stopping the knees from hyperextending. Usually when the hamstrings are weak, the cruciate ligaments of the knees take the toll and tear during a fall. One of the best exercises to strengthen the hamstrings is the Nordic Curls (eccentric loading of hamstrings). Finally, a body that moves well is a happy body, so mobility is very important when it comes to carving the winter slopes. Unfortunately, most of our clients are stuck behind a desk for most of the day and lack hip mobility and proper spinal rotation. I always take my clients through a mobility NETWORK WINTER 2017 | 53