Network Magazine Winter 2017 | Page 13

As well as being physically empowering for your client , strength training also creates a greater sense of capability and independence .

The 30-second article
• Strength training for women is still a relatively new concept , but knowledge and interest is increasing
• Some women still worry that they will gain too much size , but this outdated idea is disappearing
• Strength training can improve physique through promoting muscular hypertrophy and fat loss
• It also helps to prevent injury to muscles , other connective tissues , joints and other bones
• A strong body can more safely and effectively complete functional movements , and helps make many day-to-day tasks easier to complete .
likely to be ideal for most clients . Working on cardiovascular health will not only assist in the prevention of heart problems , but also help trim down body fat deposits , therefore avoiding the dreaded ‘ bulky ’ look .
The XX factor
The ability to put on size is somewhat genetic , and there will always be some unusual cases where a female can increase muscle mass with much greater ease . These , however are very uncommon , and the greatest factor playing a role is sex – female sex hormones very specifically hinder the ability to gain excessive muscle , something that even most males find quite difficult to achieve ! Even females who can gain muscle more easily need not be fearful though , as muscle takes time to build and will not appear overnight . Rather , it will gradually increase , meaning that training programs can be altered according to these changes over time .
The health effects
Strength training will lead to more muscle , which can increase an individual ’ s resting metabolic rate . This , together with the training itself , can help decrease body fat , and along with it the many health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle , such as diabetes and heart disease . This lifestyle is also responsible for many postural issues , chronic pain , and injuries resulting from having a body that is no longer functioning properly . Increasing the strength of individual muscles and functional movement patterns can help combat some of these issues .
The physical effects
Rounded shoulders stemming from a weak rotator cuff and upper back muscles , non-specific lower back pain stemming from inactive and underdeveloped glute muscles , weak core muscles and sore knees stemming from imbalanced and weak thigh muscles are some of the most common issues in bodies that are too inactive and weak . If your client suffers from any of these problems , then strength training will improve their overall health and quality of life .
A strong body moves and holds itself in proper form , and so can help alleviate prior pain caused by weakness and imbalance . Additionally , strong bodies can stand more stress being placed upon them without running as great a risk of injury . Strength training makes a body generally more capable , which can also make an individual feel good . Above and beyond just fixing an aching and slouching body , everyday tasks such as carrying the shopping , opening jars or doing the gardening become easier and more comfortable . As well as being physically empowering for your client , this also creates a greater sense of capability and independence .
A strong body is also more resilient to a major concern among older women , osteoporosis , which affects almost a quarter of women over the age of 50 in Australia . While your client may not worry about this yet , it is important to think ahead , particularly if there is a history of osteoporosis in the family . Strength training can increase bone density , and so can help to prevent or lessen the severity of osteoporosis for your client .
Necessary precautions
When embarking upon a strength program with clients that have pre-existing injuries , it is prudent to speak with the allied health professional managing their injury in order to clearly understand any contraindicated training movements or fitness equipment .
It is also important to remember that no specific amount of strength training is right : it is highly individual . Greater training experience will mean that your client has a larger work capacity , and so can safely perform more strength training than a beginner . Similarly , clients who sleep more or implement more recovery techniques can also safely train more . However , time constraints and other commitments for the individual will usually dictate how much strength training they actually undertake .
Our bodies are supposed to move and to be able to withstand external stressors , so every body , of both genders , has much to gain from strength training .
Susy Natal is a Sydney-based performance coach , wellness writer and personal trainer with a background in psychology . She works with a varied clientele , from beginners through to competing athletes across multiple sports . susynatal . com
Check out ‘ Research Review : Women need iron ( the non-dietary variety !)' on page 28 .