Network Magazine Summer 2020 | Page 23



The instructors that are still delivering successful classes online are those who can really make a virtual class feel like a live class , writes group fitness guru Marietta Mehanni .

D id you move to delivering online

classes in 2020 ? As the pandemic exploded around the world , so did online group fitness . Thousands of group exercise instructors launched their budding new businesses online in search of opportunities to connect and provide fun virtual classes that members could participate in .
Zoom , Google Hangouts and Facebook Live have been the most popular options and for the first few months , instructors were sharing their strategies on social media about music , sound systems and how to provide the best quality experience that would most closely replicate the live group exercise class .
It has been several months since the first frenzied activity of finding resources and methods to teach online , and now only the people who have established an effective online presence are still active . These instructors have been able to develop skills that really do make a virtual class feel like a live class .
So , what is the main requirement for keeping your clients engaged and energised in an online class ? The ability to teach to camera , as if a full class was in front of you .
This is a unique skill . Many instructors rely heavily on absorbing energy from their participants and responding to their encouragement . Yes , this sounds like a contradiction . Isn ’ t it supposed to be the other way around ?
The reality is that most instructors feel odd teaching with no one in front of them . They feel that they need people to smile back , to show their enthusiasm and their energy . In a virtual environment , this is not possible . Sure , Zoom or Google Hangouts will provide some engagement , but this is limited , as the instructor can ’ t hear vocal whoops during the muted workout .
If you can teach your virtual classes with the same excitement you have during faceto-face workouts , participants will return . If your energy is flat and you deliver cues in a monotone voice , very few will be motivated to join in again . With so many people requiring something positive in their lives , group exercise instructors are perfectly positioned to create upbeat , happy vibes in lounge rooms across the world .
How well do you score when teaching to a camera ? Do a test video and use the following checklist to see how well you score out of 10 . 1 . Energy levels . Does the teaching capture your attention or would you be distracted and start doing something else in a few minutes ?
2 . Vocal energy and enthusiasm . Would you fall asleep listening to yourself or does it captivate your attention ?
3 . Eye contact . This is really challenging as you have to focus on the camera rather than the image of you at least 80 % of the time
4 . Demonstration clarity . Are your demonstrations clear enough for people to understand what you are doing ? Moving around and showing different angles makes a more dynamic experience .
5 . Are you scripted or natural ? Does your verbal communication sound like it ’ s being read from a board , or like you ’ re having a real conversation with your class ?
6 . Break down movements . When teaching in a one-way stream like Facebook Live , you need to assume that some people don ’ t know every exercise name or move . Do you break down your movements and choreography in a way that most people would be able to do in their homes ?
7 . Are you doing your own workout ? A lot of instructors come up to the camera and yell encouraging words , but are not actually doing anything . Some people stop moving the second their instructor does , so keep moving . Yes , teaching to camera is physical .
Learning to teach effectively to camera will not only improve your teaching skills for online workouts , but also help you become a better instructor in your live classes . Use this opportunity to sharpen your teaching skills , stay fit and keep your community moving effectively and safely .
Marietta Mehanni Monash ‘ Outstanding Contribution to the Industry ’ 2019 award winner and Australian Fitness Presenter 2018 , throughout COVID Marietta provided hundreds of free online live workouts . She is the international Master Trainer and Education Coordinator for Gymstick International Oy , co-founder of My Group Move and co-creator of mSwing , a fascia-based group fitness program . NETWORK SUMMER 2020 | 23