Network Magazine Summer 2020 | Page 57

WHAT IS ...?


A payment , training and client management platform provides personal trainers , studios and gyms with the PT-specific tools to run their fitness businesses .
To find out more about goXpro and how it could benefit your business operations , go to goxpro . com Check out the goXpro Posture & Biomechanics Course at fitnessnetwork . com . au / courses / posture-biomechanics

G oXpro is an enablement tool for personal trainers built on the

core values of helping coaches create individualised coaching experiences for their clients , and improving people ’ s lives by not only helping them move more , but move better .
As many as 85 % of Australians are susceptible to injuries due to postural and biomechanical imbalances and dysfunctions , such as rounded shoulders , pelvic position , poor hip and knee stability or a faulty hip extension pattern . Thousands of personal trainers that use goXpro have completed the platform ’ s Posture & Biomechanics CEC course to help their clients move better .
This enhanced training skill also translates to enhanced member retention and prospect conversion . Up to 60 % of personal training clients in Australia stay with their trainer for less than six months . With this poor retention rate comes more unpaid downtime and higher advertising costs , as the churn and burn of clients continues . GoXpro ’ s statistics show that coaches providing the assessments available through the platform keep their clients for an average of two and a half years .
Coaches also report converting up to 95 % of people that come to them for assessments into paying PT clients . Patrick Koutsoukis , co-owner at Empower Personal Training and Nutrition Bondi , said “ Thanks to goXpro we ’ ve increased our PT session quality by 10- fold ! Using goXpro has also made it easier to mentor staff and keep our clients coming back .”
While goXpro is not new to the market , it has undergone considerable ongoing development and now includes digital solutions for fitness businesses through integrations into Ezpay , Stripe and Xero . It also features a digital small group personal training module that provides a HIIT workout builder and the possibility to stream workouts to a big screen . Plus , it now has Zoom , Skype , MS Teams and Google Meet integrations to enable virtual small group or 1-on-1 coaching sessions .
Clients and members have a dedicated client app ( iOS & Android ) in which they can book and manage their classes as well as do solo sessions with programs designed for them by their coach .
The platform ’ s evolution is set to continue in early 2021 when it launches its Fitness Business Shopfront feature , allowing for the purchase of memberships from the client app ( PT sessions , classes or gym memberships ). With goXpro managing waivers , acceptance of T & Cs , billing and direct debits , trainers can focus their attention on what they do best , training clients .