Network Magazine Summer 2019 | страница 40

WOMEN AREN’T JUST ‘LITTLE MEN’. FITNESS MASTERY SERIES: ULTIMATE WOMEN’S TRAINING TOOLBOX $119 for Network Members 5 CECs/CPDs Hormonal, metabolic, cognitive, and behavioural differences abound that set your female clients apart from their male counterparts, all of which influence the way they train and the results they seek. From mental health, menopause and mindset, to pelvic floor and programming, the Ultimate Women’s Training Toolbox covers the critical ages, stages and specific considerations that every women’s fitness professional should know. THIS FIVE-PART ONLINE VIDEO COURSE: } Teaches the specific anatomical and physiological details that make women and men so incredibly different } Uncovers the complex relationship that exists between self-esteem, food, body image, exercise, menstruation and mental health for training and coaching } Explores specific progressive overload techniques for developing female-centric training programs } Explains the physical and psychological changes experienced by women in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond, and reveals how this impacts their training approach. …and more. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS AND TO GET STARTED