Network Magazine Summer 2019 | Page 16

What’s your business called? REAL WORLD PT NICOLE HAHN SELF-EMPLOYED PT & COACH NSW In my different roles of PT, S&C Coach and Crossfit Coach I actually have three businesses! These are Coach Nic, Oly Squad, and We Build Women school events. How long have you been a PT? 10 years! Are you full time or part time? Full time and then some! What made you decide to become a trainer? I knew I wanted to work for myself, and I knew I didn’t want to be in an office. I had played state level netball my whole life so I was quite familiar with the industry and I loved the thought of being able to help people. What’s your signature style of training? I’m all about Olympic lifting, CrossFit, strength and conditioning, rehab and Body Positivity. How many hours do you train clients for each week? 35+ How many hours do you spend working on your business? Sometimes a very small amount, but currently about 5 hours per week (because I have something new in the works!) What hours do you work? It varies day to day, but most weekdays look like 5:30 until 10:30am, one or two classes or PT sessions at lunchtime, and then from 3:30 to 7:30 or 8:30pm every night. On Saturdays I work from 7am-12pm. What do you do in any downtime during the day? Train, nap and admin. Did I say nap? How much do you charge? $110 per hour. What do you do in terms of your ongoing education? Attend events, do online education courses, personal research and personal development courses. How many clients do you have? A SNAPSHOT OF HOW TODAY’S PERSONAL TRAINERS ARE WORKING, LIVING AND SHAPING THEIR CAREERS 16 | NETWORK SUMMER 2019 20 very committed PT clients, plus classes at two different gyms. I used to have a lot more PT clients (40+) but some were quite unreliable. I have culled them to a core group of committed legends.