Creating a safe environment built on compassion will benefit
everyone in the room, especially those who have suffered trauma.
ost of us get into teaching to help
people and share with them the
great benefits of exercise that
we’ve enjoyed. What keeps us here is the
mind body experience (be it cardio, strength
training or yoga), the ability to clear our mind,
be present and feel connected to our bodies.
This is what we hope to inspire in our
students. As fitness professionals, we are
taught to focus on the physical, ensuring that
what we teach is safe. This is important of
course, but of equal importance is the sense
of connection and our participants’ sense of
safety, so they will want to come back.
For those who have suffered trauma or
been diagnosed with PTSD (post-traumatic
stress disorder), the need to feel safe and in
control on all levels is paramount. Though
we will often never know the stories our
students carry, creating a safe environment
built on compassion will be of benefit to
everyone in the room. Yoga in particular will
help bring our nervous system back into
equi librium between our sympathetic (fight
or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and
digest) nervous systems.
Neuroscientist Dr Stephen Porges has
also outlined a third system called our social
nervous system, which is what allows us
to feel safe in social settings. He describes
‘immobilisation without fear’, as opposed
to trauma in which we are immobilised due
to fear. When we are balanced between
sympathetic and parasympathetic, we will also
be balanced in our social system. By nurturing
this dynamic in our classes, our students will
feel happy and engaged (safe and connected).
Following these simple steps is a great
starting point for facilitating traumainformed classes.
1. Provide a safe space
Face your class towards the door and keep
the doors unlocked. Be cognizant of windows
or exterior noise, play soothing music, if
possible use essential oils and lay props out
ahead of time if you plan to use them in class
(ideally avoiding straps). Also make sure to
explain their use at the beginning of class.
2. Use inclusive and positive
YogaFit’s transformational language also
includes cues that are awareness oriented,
action oriented and process oriented. Watch
tone of voice when giving corrective cues, and
make suggestions rather than give orders.
4. Bring focus to the breath
Three-part breathing can be done at any time
by filling up the belly, rib cage then chest,
followed by a slow exhale. Try this breath at
the beginning of your classes or PT sessions
to find a deeper sense of presence and calm.
We can also teach students this breath so
they can practice it outside of class.
5. Focus on poses to open the psoas
The psoas muscle holds much of our
chronic tension in the body. Simple lunges
where we flow in and out of a psoas stretch
will be more impactful than pushing in to a
stretch and holding. Think about nurturing
this stretch, finding ease and encouraging
more space by using the breath.
To fully explore trauma-informed healing, register
for the YogaFit Warriors Retreat this Summer in
Ballina, NSW
Lisa Greenbaum holds her E-RYT 500 in yoga and
is the Program Development Manager for YogaFit
Australia and Director of YogaFit Canada.
3. Include a long warm up
While physically we want to exercise with
warm muscles, a warm up also helps orient
the mind to the present. Additionally, it
provides more time for our students to feel
comfortable in the room, with the instructor
and with the movements themselves.
28-30 APRIL 2017 / ICC SYDNEY
Lisa is presenting at FILEX 2017 –
find her sessions at or in the
brochure accompanying this magazine
YogaFit Instructor Training near you this Summer
A range of YogaFit Instructor training workshops are being held across Australia this Summer.
• YogaFit Anatomy 2: 2 & 3 Feb, Perth
• YogaFit Older Adults: 4 Feb, Perth; and 10 Feb, Brisbane
• YogaFit Kids: 5 Feb, Perth
Find out all you need to know at
• YogaFit Prenatal: 6 Feb, Perth; and 11 Feb, Brisbane
• YogaFit Meditation & Mindfulness: 12 Feb, Brisbane
• YogaFit for Warriors Retreat: 25 Feb-13 March, Ballina