Network Magazine summer 2014 | Page 30

INFO HANDOUT COPY FOR CLIENTS AND MEMBERS OR DOWNLOAD THE PDF FROM GET SPORTS PROFICIENT By helping young children develop their fundamental motor skills you can boost their confidence and help them gain greater enjoyment from sport and physical activity. hildren do not automatically become proficient at sports. Some will be naturally more adept than others, but they all need to be taught fundamental motor skills and given the opportunity to progress through stages. Motor skills are voluntary, learnt movements made by the human body to achieve a task, such as a child twisting their body and moving their arm to throw a ball. By mastering fundamental motor skills such as a basic sprint, vertical jump, side gallop and leap, children will have the basic skills needed to participate in sport. So, as a parent or carer, which fundamental motor skills can you help develop in the young children (approximately primary school-aged) you care for? Aim to incorporate skills such as running, side-stepping, jumping, catching, throwing and hitting a ball into children’s playtime. Create simple games that incorporate these motor skills, such as tying a ribbon around a higher item and seeing if the children can jump and touch it. Turning the activities into games will encourage greater enthusiasm and participation than simply getting them to run back and forth over a distance. C Start simple and gradually progress Sports often feature lots of moving elements and multi-tasking that can be overwhelming for a child. Help them get comfortable with these ‘open motor skills’ by stripping the game back to its basic elements and gradually piecing them together. For example, start by throwing and catching a ball when you and the child are stationary, then progress to throwing the ball to the child while they are moving, and then to throwing the ball while the child is moving and another child tries to intercept. FITNESSNETWORK.COM.AU Progression not only enhances development, it can also help children’s selfesteem by matching their abilities to the task. Teaching your child new skills When teaching a child a new skill you should: • keep instructions to a minimum to avoid information overload • focus feedback on the key elements taught, not on performance outcomes • clearly explain how to correct errors • provide lots of encouragement and keep it fun • keep the environment as neutral as possible, i.e. more static elements • observe the child for signs of fatigue and respond appropriately. When you can see that the child no longer needs to think about every facet of the movement, and they are performing it with more fluidity, they are in the ‘associative stage’ of motor skill learning. At this stage you can start to: • incorporate goal and performanceoriented games, such as challenging them to see how many times they can throw a ball through a hoop • encourage them to incorporate their own unique style of movement, as long as it doesn’t put them at risk of injury. By incorporating fun games that encourage running, side-stepping, jumping, catching, throwing and hitting, you can help your kids develop their fundamental motor skills, increase their confidence and gain greater enjoyment from sports and physical activity. Kelly Sumich is the author of Coaching Children: Sports Science Essentials and Kids Exercise Programs Done for You. She is the founder of the Sports Science Education Institute.