Network Magazine Spring 2021 | Page 14

spine and shoulders performed prior to strength training .
• 2 work sets per exercise , focusing on general movements for the whole body , with special priority given to the ankles , hip and shoulder stabilisers , lateral trunk , and forearm and wrist muscles . The more typical , larger muscles would be , at this stage , deemphasised , with the performance of exercises for the thighs and upper body muscles placed later in the workout .
• Where appropriate , exercises to improve trunk stiffness ( isometric strength ) should be included to develop the rigidity in the torso required in later workouts for the performance of advanced strength exercises .
• For each exercise , higher repetition and lighter load would be used to increase strength endurance , work capacity and skill acquisition .
• Mini-circuits have been used since the 1960 ’ s as a way to sequence the exercises in a GPP . With short rest intervals between exercises , this allows for a higher volume of work to be performed in the workout , whilst developing strength-endurance .
Here is an example of a total-body GPP strength workout performed as four mini-circuits of four exercises :
Sets : 2
• Reps : 20 ( or 45-second holds for planks )
• Rest between exercises : 10-seconds
• Rest between circuits : 60-seconds
The important features of this GPP workout is that , firstly , it is general , with all muscle groups conditioned with foundational movement patterns ; secondly , it develops work capacity , strength endurance and skill acquisition by using high reps , low load and short rest periods between exercises and sets ; and thirdly , it prioritises the weak links and commonly neglected muscle groups by performing them at the beginning of the workout .
The same or a similar program would be performed again mid and at the end of the week , ideally totalling three days a week in the weights room . After three weeks , the program would be changed , using exercises now slightly more complex but still using similar variables to continue increasing work capacity , symmetry , stability and strength-endurance .
The development of cardiovascular fitness would be allocated to the other days in the training week . The choice in mode and type would be individualised and based on the fitness level of the client . These options include either steady state aerobic exercise , performed at approximately 65-75 % of maximal heart rate for up to an hour , or interval-based workouts designed to increase anaerobic capacity , lactate tolerance or aerobic power .
In summary , goal specific training phases to improve body composition , decrease body fat and increase muscle hypertrophy assume a certain degree of muscle strength , stability , symmetry and cardiorespiratory fitness . Generalised theories of training , initially developed in the former Soviet Union for sporting mastery , can be used to guide , in principle , the division of a training year in the fitness industry .
The sole purpose of periodising in this way is to arrive at the goal specific training in the best possible condition to be able to complete and tolerate the high training volumes , and recover set-to-set and between sessions , so that one can positively adapt to the workouts , while minimising the risk of injury . To this end , a well-designed GPP will develop all the capacities required to perform goal-specific training , prioritising work capacity , stability , trunk rigidity , symmetry between limbs , general strength , endurance , speed , lactate tolerance and mobility . Used for decades in sports development , the fitness industry has much to gain by following these tried and tested principles .
1 . Y . E Turkileri ( 2011 ). Naim Süleymanolu : Pocket Hercules . 2 . Sheiko , B . ( 2018 ). Powerlifting Foundations and Methods . 3 . Simmons , L . ( 2015 ). Special Strength Development for All Sports . Westside Barbell 4 . Bompa , T . ( 2018 ). Periodization : Theory & Methodology . Human Kinetics , Inc .;
6th edition ( 15 April 2018 ) 5 . Bondarchuk , A . ( 2007 , 2010 , 2017 ). Transfer of Training in Sports , Volumes 1 , 2 , 3 .
Ultimate Athlete Concepts . 6 . King , I . ( 2018 ). How to Transfer Strength Training . KSI .
Dr Tony Boutagy , PhD Tony is a strength coach and personal trainer who has been providing training and education in the fitness industry for over two and a half decades . He holds a PhD in sports science and can be found at tonyboutagy . com
Muscle group Lateral core Calf Anterior core Ankle stability Low back Humeral stabiliser Hip adduction Scapulae stabiliser Hip abductors Wrists Hamstrings Shoulders Quads Chest Glutes Back
Exercise selection Side plank Single-leg calf raise Front plank Single-leg hopping 45-degree back extensions Side lying dumbbell external rotations Modified Copenhagen adductions Dumbbell shrugs Banded abductions Dumbbell wrist flexion & extensions Swiss ball leg curls Dumbbell lateral raise Step-ups Hands elevated push-ups Supine single-leg hip extensions Seated rows