Network Magazine Spring 2020 | Page 66

Step 2. Establish what they want Think about the ideal person or people you want to be your clients. What do they ultimately want from their life, and from the area of their life (fitness and wellbeing) that you can assist them with? Many people have goals around freedom and choice. They want to feel like they have clarity and a plan. They want to feel good in their own skin and they want to know that they can show up as the best version of themselves every day. Knowing these answers will give you the ability to create laser-focused content marketing. Step 3. Unearth their secret goal, dream or desires This is the supernova. When you know what people secretly want you can start to create marketing that specifically addresses this. For instance, their secret desire might be to be on Ninja Warrior or Survivor, but they don’t tell anyone about it because they’re embarrassed to voice such a big goal. Consequently, they do nothing about it. Determine what the secret goal, dream or desire is for your niche and start to show how your services can help them achieve it. In this example, for instance, you might start sharing testimonials, pictures and even progress videos from clients you’ve trained for adventure challenges. By talking directly to your audience about the process you use with clients to help them achieve exactly the type of skills they themselves want to develop, you can give them the confidence to take the first step towards chasing their dream. Step 4. Add value by giving away free information and education Adding lots of free value works every time, in every niche. You know what the problems are that your audience have (Step 1), and now you can create a piece of free content that helps them start to solve that problem. You can do the same thing with Step 2, giving some suggestions, hints and tips on how to achieve their goal. Do this without making an offer or selling something at the same time. Add value first. This shows generosity of spirit and that goes a long way to helping them see you as someone who cares. You’ll stand out. Step 5. Communicate with them like they’re humans Talk to people like you’d talk to your friends. Too many people take on a lecturing tone when they’re posting online or in their blogs. It’s important to remember that there is a human on the other end of your writing, videos and posts and they really need your help. If they comment on what you post, comment back! Have a conversation with them from a place of being generous. Repeat these five steps and use them over and over again on a daily basis. This will not only have a huge impact on your creativity, it will also help your audience to see you as an expert at what you do. The goal of niching is to know your audience so well that you can create marketing that is relatable to them. Nicola Moras Nicola is an online visibility expert and author of Into The Spotlight, a guide to help you step up your online visibility, become a Rockstar in your industry and make your business thrive. 66 | NETWORK SPRING 2020