Network Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 66

anterior deltoids , while shoulder extension will engage posterior deltoids . Of course , if you use this technical terminology with your participants , be sure to accompany it with a visual demonstration , clearly indicating the muscles used .
While being suspended in the deep means that there is no compression on the joints and spine , it is still helpful to remind participants to lengthen downward through the spine as if gently trying to touch the pool floor with their fingers , heels or toes during movements . Cues like this really help participants visualise what you want them to do .
Exercise programming
Deep water fitness class programs should incorporate ‘ Hi ’ workouts to improve cardio fitness and ‘ Lo ’ workouts that increase strength and stability for every participant .
‘ Hi ’ cardio workouts
With the use of interval training , ‘ Hi ’ energy workouts can challenge the cardiovascular and respiratory systems .
As anyone in the fitness industry will be aware , HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training ) has been all the buzz in recent years , due to the acclaimed efficacy of performing brief periods of very intense exercise , typically ranging from 80 to 100 per cent , interspersed with rest periods . In deep water training , these rest periods should actually take the form of active recovery segments in order to counteract the cooling effects of the water .
Some research indicates that HIIT can provide similar or even greater cardiorespiratory , metabolic and musculoskeletal improvements in less time than continuous training ( Kravitz and Zuhl ). Additionally , improvements can be achieved in muscular endurance and strength , cardiorespiratory endurance and body composition .
The simplicity of this method is appealing to many instructors and participants as there is no need for complicated choreography , only a willingness to work hard .
When programming intervals into your class , it ’ s important to consider how water principles might influence and affect the intensity of the workout .
Three options to increase the intensity of a workout are tempo , acceleration and elevation .
Tempo effectively means increasing the speed with which movements are performed , whereas acceleration is working with power against the resistance of the water through a full range of movement . Elevation refers to lifting the body upwards out of the water by pushing down on the water with power and speed .
It is important to select effective workouts that are easy to perform in the deep water when focusing on increasing intensity . ‘ Hi ’ workout elements that use balanced bilateral movements of the upper and lower body include :
• jogging
• ankle reaches
• straight leg lift / pull down
• heel lift / push down
• cross country ski
• flutter kicks .
The 30-second article
• Instructing deep water fitness requires general knowledge of anatomy and human movement , the effects of buoyancy and other water principles , and strategies for balance and alignment in a suspended environment
• Educate participants about the exercises you are instructing , and explain why they so effective and useful ( i . e . aiding their function in everyday life )
• Deep water fitness classes should incorporate ‘ Hi ’ workouts to improve cardio fitness and ‘ Lo ’ workouts that increase strength and stability .