Network Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 65

AQUA SKILLS DEEP WATER HILO When it comes to low impact environments, it doesn’t get lower than the pool! But that doesn’t mean that this aqua workout doesn’t have impact, write Debi Godfrey and Dominic Gili. eep water workouts challenge the entire body by offering multidirectional resistance in an impact-free yet unstable environment. If you’re looking to launch or refresh a deep water class, you’ll need some inspiration to help you create cardio, strength and stability workouts that cater to a broad range of fitness abilities and needs at the same time. D Getting started Instructing deep water fitness requires general knowledge of: • anatomy and human movement • the effects of buoyancy (in relationship to gravity) and other water principles • strategies for balance and correct alignment for movement in a suspended, impact-free environment. Educating your participants by sharing knowledge, explaining how and why each workout is best performed, and offering modifications based on individual needs will help you establish credibility and become a more effective instructor. Participants may not appear to always be taking in everything that you say, but little by little, over the weeks, it will sink in. A great place to start is to discuss with your participants the hydrostatic pressure of the water and how it improves their heart function and venous return by assisting the return of blood to the heart. This can be a real attention grabber if you explain it clearly, and with enthusiasm – and why wouldn’t you? It’s really positive stuff and everyone likes to know that what they’re doing is making their heart work better, especially if it’s happening before they’ve even started exercising! Next up, inform your participants about the best ways to manipulate the water, and explain which muscle groups need to be engaged in order to achieve vertical alignment and trunk stabilisation. Share the benefits of the efficient double concentric muscle action through one movement, for example when working Cross Country Ski arms, the shoulder flexion in the sagittal plane will engage NETWORK SPRING 2017 | 65